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Enermax Liberty 500w. good for nf4 ultra-d?


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between this and the sparkle 550w, what do you guys think would be better for a ultra-d OCing non-SLI setup w/ an opteron 165, x1900xt, 1 HD, 1 DVD drive? or anything you recommend for around the $100 pricepoint? thx

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If only those two, and only around $100 dlls... I would choose the Enermax Liberty, not only because of the brand name but also because it is ATX v2.2; it has the 8pin 12v connector.


Just one suggestion, if overclocking the cpu and also the video card... take a close look at the 12v voltage, just in case the psu isn't enough for your overclocked system needs.


Good luck

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