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My sound is playing too fast!

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After having a nasty windows crash because of unstable (too high) overclock, suddenly my sound is very messed up. It does play, but it plays too fast. This results in very strange (funny) fast talking etc. etc. Even the timer in winamp is screwed to the point that it goes approx. twice as fast as normal...


- Using onboard Karajan module

- Went back to stable OC

- Loaded optimised defaults

- Reinstalled Nvidia drivers after uninstalling old ones to no effect

- Same with Realtek audio drivers


What could be going on here and how to solve this ultra weird problem? I'm thinking a fresh windows install, which I really dont want to do.


Thanks all

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I had a problem like that w/ one ov my dvd drives, it would play in a faster speed and sounded nasty and could not watch it. the other one worked fine, I tried it again yesterday and that one plays fine again. So are you playing files already on your computer(I'm guessing)?


I think mine was the OC as well but I can do it now and its fine


interested as well in a cause

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Thanks for your replies guys.


Well I changed out the Karajan module for the one from my other Ultra-D and guess what -- problem solved.


This means it is 99% sure a hardware problem (was already sorta proven by the fact that a fresh win install and all fresh drivers didnt fix it) and I need a new module now. Can a mod please come in and confirm that I need to RMA? Thanks.


So Nebulous I think you have a defective one as well...

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