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slow boot

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my system seems to tak an age to get to the post screen when booting or rebooting.

somewhere between 10 and 30secs,not a problem i have had before but obviously something is not right.

any ideas?


cheers schm0k

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Make sure all of your power cables are connected to your motherboard (4 plugs...). Try using just one stick of memory in the orange slot furthest from the cpu socket to see if it boots. Run memtest after looking around in your bios to see if all the settings are correct. You can "ENABLE" memtest from the "GENIE MENU" all the way down to the bottom to see if that ram stick is okay. Run about 25 tests of test #5. Then shut down and try the other memory stick just like you did with the first one. This is to see if you have bad memory or not, might even need to tweak timings and voltage, not sure....


Note:Also just try one drive which you're using for WINDOWS just to see if that eleminates the issue. If by just using one drive and your boot problem goes away, try to see what you can do for the other drives and settings and connection between the harddrive and connectors on the motherboard, good luck!

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thanks i have tried all of that apart from testing the sticks seperately on number 5,but i did run memtest for 12hours at their usual timings of 2.5,3,3,7@300fsb no problem will it really make a difference the other way?

cheers schm0k


p.s.not sure if i made it clear boots into windows fine it the bit between pressing the power button and the post screen were it shows the info.

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Pretty sure it's not a memory issue.


1) Advanced Bios - DElay for HDD(secs) default = 0 try with different values higher value gives HD more time to spin up to speed.


2) Unplug any USB devices floppies mwemory sticks etc. (even multifunction printers) these are polled for boot sectrs & so may slow down boot up


luck :)

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