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need some advice...


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I am building what is in my sig. I heard the dfi lanparty ut nf4 ultra d mobo doesn't like certain ram and psu. I wanted to know if there is a list of ram that works or some kind of ram test i can take to see if the memory works so i can send it back if there is a problem before i finish buying the rest of the parts. And i was wondering if someone could recommend a psu and case that is around $120 or less.

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look at the top 5-6 stickies here:



As for the psu, Your gonna probably want something better than whatever comes with a case for your DFI ultra. Its probably gonna eat about 70-100 of the 120 budget.


If you really need to stick to that budget I recommend buying a VERY good psu and a cheap case that you can upgrade later. If you don't mind spending more than 120, get a good case, something like a lian li or coolermaster.

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