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Ultra D O/C

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Need help i am trying to O/C me CPU, at mo its at stock but when i change the stock from 200-216 and multiply that by 9. i save it and then it just restarts says there is a system32 error wich i fail to see why. because i put it to stock it works f9 so i fail to see how its an Os propblem, any idears of what i need to do or what the course of the problem me trying to O/C is???



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Well yer leve it on Auto but i want to see the Max of me Venice b4 i upgrade 2 a dual core 44+ but would liek to keep it for a wile and liek to learn more i found the NF3 250gb very gd for the O/C but this NF4 well its alot of work i say that

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I almost have the same setup as you Virus, but i have the NF4-D not the Ultra. My 3000+ is a Venice E3 which i have overclocked to 2.6GHz Prime/Memtest 8+ hours stable. My memory is at 260MHz on a 180divider until i figure out how to tweak it for 1:1 ratio. You'll need to start reading some sticky's in AMD OVERCLOCKING to understand how all this stuff works, you sound new to it and it would be a wise choice to understand what you're doing before you corrupt your windows with an unstable overclock, good luck!


Note: If you're going to get into overclocking i would suggest investing into a better brand PSU (Power Supply) since that one you have is problem more then likely going to give you problems (i.e. blue screens, restart, shut down issues, ect....) get an OCZ 520 PowerStream SLI....

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Thanks buddy well the proberly the main reason if it power suply might b the case when i was moding teh case i cust a power cable tested fine but power seems stable will look in to new powersuply lol well i just mainly in to teh software side of things not hardware jsut trying to get more info and well mad as it is lol

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