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cpu voltage?

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hi! i am curious what my cpu voltage should be at. i have a 3700+ san diego core with the lanparty df3 ut d. its at 1.25 right now. i havent over clocked it yet so what should it be at not overclocked and what would be good for starting to overclock? thx in advance

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that actaully seems a bit low. but if its stable at that speed, than thats better than higher voltages. theres no definitive answer to whats the best voltage, just whatever works for you. bump in the smallest increments possible and TEST TEST TEST.

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If you're just usimg what is being reported by the motherboard to judge your voltages, don't. The only way to really know what your rails are sitting at is to use a volt meter. Do a search for that and you will find several threads on this. My BIOS was reporting as low as 11.5 for my 12 volt on my old power supply, but the volt meter told me I was at 11.9.


I like to use Memtest to test the RAM before I boot into Windows. I use a Bootable CD, as I've never gotten the one in the BIOS to work. Once I'm Memtest stable, I run OCCT and Super Pi. If that is all good, then it's 8 hours of Prime 95.

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You may also want to check here for the stock voltage for your core. Typically 1.35-1.4v is safe to start with.




Also this mobo undervolts cpu voltage, and if you are using Voltage Adjust it overvolts. Be aware of this and either check the tweeks sticky, or better yet do what Capt Proton suggested and use a volt meter, its more accurate.



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hi! i am curious what my cpu voltage should be at. i have a 3700+ san diego core with the lanparty df3 ut d. its at 1.25 right now. i havent over clocked it yet so what should it be at not overclocked and what would be good for starting to overclock? thx in advance


Please read the forum rules.. You are required to make a sig with your complete system specs.. Once thats done you can pm me or another mod and we will reopen this thread..




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What a nice pm I recieved from bandit8623..

wow if i wanted to give out my specs i would have derrrrr... all i asked was for voltage. get a life


Gotta love how nice people are these days.. :mad:

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