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Slackware And Nforce2


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are there any drivers for the nForce2 (nic, sound, onboard video) for linux - if so where can I download them and how do I install them in slack9

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only problems you may have are video problems in which you'll have

to just toy around w/ and read stuff online until you get the drivers

workin correctly (you'll see a nvidia splash upon x starting...)

whenever I install them I cant run the shell script, I have

to run it as extract only then compile and mess w/ my x config file...

I dono every time I do it I forget exactly what to do but I always

eventually get it workin...

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well - i booted into slack and tried to install the rpm. when It was compiling it suddendly stoped so I looked at the errors (which were all wanting the sh shell instead of bash) and then did some more unix stuff and found out that my /bin/sh was pointing to /bin/bash! is there a way to DL sh (borune shell) and use that? Thanks

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