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A7n8x With 2500+ Problems


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As you can guess i have an asus A7N8X Deluxe MOBO :P,

I am running an Athlon Barton 2500+. So far i have managed to overclock the Barton to 2.28Ghz, at 182fsb and 12.5x, my voltage is set to 1.7v, ram is set to 2.6v, oh yeh running corsair xms dual 2*512 3700 ddr ram(it's running at something like 218mhz).

However the problem is i cannot get the fsb to go any higher :( , i've heard of people overclocking this little beast to about 2.4ghz, the cpu temperature is around 46 degrees c, so theres no problems there, anyone got any ideas why this piece of poop isn't budging?

P.S. the computer just freezes before it boots up.

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youll be lucky to get past 2350mhz . ok your running your ram outa sync from what you described set your ram speed to 100% in bios and drop the multi back down to 11 with a fsb of 200 will give you 3200+ speeds . up the voltage a lil to 1.8 or 1.85 and then raise your multi to 11.5 for 2300mhz . to find out where your mobo craps out at for the fsb use a multi of 10 or lower and start upping you fsb till prime95 fails most asus boards only get to about 210 so a multi of 11x210 will give you 2310 your gonna need more voltage to get the cpu faster it doesnt hurt to runn the ram @2.8 either

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I have an old 2500 Barton and I can only get 2209 stable. My FSB maxes at about 192 or so. My multi is at 11.5. My voltages are also all the way maxed. my temps are at about 34 load with my watercooling so I am happy, but I want to get a new chip soon and see how far it can go. The chip by itself is rather cheap since I have a rev 2 a7n8x deluxe. But still, its a decent overclock. And you might want to get better cooling and try higher voltages on your ddr and cpu.

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