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Prime 95 v Super Pi X2s etc etc..


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I guess the sort of people who ask about the marits of these apps, are those like me who aren't satisfied at being told by an app that your o/c is too high.


Ran super pi today for the first time. 32M, 2 instances etc no problems.


Run Prime 95. Core 1 craps out after 6 mins. Core 0 still running happily 7 hours later, at which time I stopped it. Note I'm pretty much convinced my memory isn't really an issue here. I've tested this a whole load of times, small ftts and relaxed timings etc.


I guess the first question is what's the point of using Super Pi, if Prime says "No!"?


Secondly I can run 3d apps, with multi threaded rendering 24/7 no problems (tempting fate saying this I know). The likes of renderers I use like Fprime, push the cpu harder than prime95, yet as I say no problems. Is prime95 just a bit OTT then?


If I am to trust prime 95, my X2 4200, with it's much weaker core 1 is not exactly brilliant. Thankful that it overclocks at all, but not brilliant.


I am considering buying a new X2, though I'm really in two minds what to get. Had thought the prices had dropped however a 4800+ is still about $1000 here. I would like to reach 2.8 ghz. Daft thing to say I know. Seems it's a real case of lucky dip. Have seen a new 4400+ and 3800+ in stock in one vendor over here, and have my eye on that 4400. This upgrading malarky is just addictive. Just wondering whether it's worth the plunge.


Would love an opteron, but even x2's are rare as rocking horse sh** here.


Any thoughts appreciated.



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Prime stresses the core's harder them SuperPi. Super Pi is a great utility to get you close, but unless you can run Prime stable (2 instances at "realtime" priority) for 12 hrs. or longer, 24 prefered; I wouldn't call your system "stable".


It may never effect you in real-life, but it could. I use my computer for a vast majority of school and work, so I need it to be "stable", and as such I have to keep my OC at a moderate level. I can run SuperPi just shy of 2.7, but I'm only Prime Stable at 2550...big difference.


Just my thoughts...

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i would like to add to this by saying, i have have an oc that would pass ALL tests for stability...all 3dmarks, super pi etc...never crash during gaming...but....would not pass prime95!

prime is the big daddy of em all when it comes to measuring your oc, you can choose to ignore the fact that you cant pass it for more than 8 hours, buy its always in the back of your head, and you will never feel fully satisfied with your oc...the choice is always up to the user.

in my case, if i cant pass prime...i just cant bring my myself to say the words stable.

back it down till you find the sweet spot where both cores will pass...besides, you really wont notice much of a difference except in benching.

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icon57, i know what you are saying. I think in my case it's call denial.


Regards differences you do notice them in the sort of work I do. Cpu speed basically equals rendertime, and in more complex scenes that reduction in render time is quite significant.


Im just wondering whether for instance in the case of core 0 still going after 7 hours and core 1 failing after a few minutes, whether my chip is bad. Or is this typical? Seems quite a gap in performance.



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i would like to add to this by saying, i have have an oc that would pass ALL tests for stability...all 3dmarks, super pi etc...never crash during gaming...but....would not pass prime95!

prime is the big daddy of em all when it comes to measuring your oc, you can choose to ignore the fact that you cant pass it for more than 8 hours, buy its always in the back of your head, and you will never feel fully satisfied with your oc...the choice is always up to the user.

in my case, if i cant pass prime...i just cant bring my myself to say the words stable.

back it down till you find the sweet spot where both cores will pass...besides, you really wont notice much of a difference except in benching.


Hi Icon57!,

i think that Prime95 at highest priority (10!) is a good test for checking stability of an overclocked rig but i must admit, after some extensive test sessions, that OCCT V.0.9.1 (www.ocbase.com) is a very stressful tool even more stressful than Prime95!

Infact my rig (watch my sig!) with Prime95 at highest priority run flawless for 25 hours, but with OCCT V.0.9.1 at highest priority with same settings for checked RAM (750MB over 1024MB!) didn't pass 10 hours of torture test!

After spending some times on tweaking timings and voltages i'm running on a "Bulletproof" rig that has run 25 hours of execution of Prime 95 (highest priority and 350MB of RAM to check) and OCCT (highest priority and 350MB of RAM to check)...

I assure you that the PC was on knees but still calculated...until i stopped both tests...

A very satisfactory situation! ;)

See you!

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Hi Icon57!,

i think that Prime95 at highest priority (10!) is a good test for checking stability of an overclocked rig but i must admit, after some extensive test sessions, that OCCT V.0.9.1 (www.ocbase.com) is a very stressful tool even more stressful than Prime95!

Infact my rig (watch my sig!) with Prime95 at highest priority run flawless for 25 hours, but with OCCT V.0.9.1 at highest priority with same settings for checked RAM (750MB over 1024MB!) didn't pass 10 hours of torture test!

After spending some times on tweaking timings and voltages i'm running on a "Bulletproof" rig that has run 25 hours of execution of Prime 95 (highest priority and 350MB of RAM to check) and OCCT (highest priority and 350MB of RAM to check)...

I assure you that the PC was on knees but still calculated...until i stopped both tests...

A very satisfactory situation! ;)

See you!


That's all and good, but OCCT doesn't use dual core effectively, and as of now, nobody seems to figured out how to run two instances of OCCT.


The only real ways to check stability for dual core, AFAIK, are 2xSuperPI -> 2xPrime95 or 2xFolding@Home. Other stress tools that worked well with single core (3dmarks, PCMark, OCCT) doesn't work that well with dual core.

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Personally I've found OCCT to give a pretty decent starting point to run Prime at, though there is only one instance. If you watch it'll switch cores back and forth sort of.


In any case it is much more stressful the dual SuperPi, as I can pass that at 3200, but OCCT will fail in less than 2 minutes. At the first point I was capable of passing OCCT (3100 or so) I started Prime from there and stepped down to where I was stable (for now).

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@rlm...yes, it is typical of many dual core cpu's...hard to find one with 2 strong cores, but there are a few of em out there...my x2 3800 didnt clock to well, one core crapped out fast and the other would keep priming. you will find a spot where both cores will keep priming, but you might not be happy with it...


@realslag....damn man....you beat that rig into submission...good work!

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Can I still find the starting high-point of my CPU by using SuperPi on my Opty 165 per the "Definitive" OC sticky-post? Or does that procedure not work as well for dual core CPUs? Should I be running two instances of SuperPi as I'm finding the max of my CPU? Or one of OCCT? Thanks! :)

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Well just been priming for the last 7 hours at 2.53 ghz (230 x11) 1.48v. Had to stop as have work to do. That's not bad. Maybe with a tad more volts (not too much) I can take it back up to 235 x 11.


Cheers for the feedback.



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