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Corsair XMS compatible with Expert board?

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My setup is in my sig. I can't seem to get this board/RAM combo to run @ CAS2 without errors. With the RAM set By SPD (3,3,3,8 1T) everything seems to work fine and I get no errors. I run memtest and it works fine. If I change the CAS to 2, I get errors booting into windows and memtest generates errors, even if I change the command rate to 2T. Is it the memory? I've got the RAM in the orange slots as recommended in the manual (system won't even boot if I put them in the yellow slots). I've tried two sets of this RAM (took known good DIMMs that have worked for the last few months in my Intel rig at 2,3,3,8 out and tried in this mobo and getting the same errors). I'm not sure if I've got something set wrong, whether there's a problem with the board or BIOS, or if this mobo just doesn't like Corsair XMS memory... :confused:


EDIT: forgot to add this is at 200Mhz (default).

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Well, I just ran across this thread here and those settings work for me at CAS3 and CAS2.5 (at least for the one pass of memtest I've run). Seriously though, should I settle for CAS2.5 out of RAM rated CAS2? Does it make that big of a difference? Just curious. I'd like to at least slightly overclock this system (hoping for 2.4Ghz), but I want the system stable before all else.

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I'm running the platinum series of the same memory at advertised CAS2 with no problems. You might want to try flashing the bios to 12/7 version and see if the memory will cooperate.


I'll try doing that, thanks. Can you tell me what your RAM timings are? Are they similar to what I linked above? Heading now to find new BIOS... ;)

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Well, I flashed the BIOS, then started overclocking without testing CAS2 again. Der...


Anyway, so far I'm running this chip @ 2.4Ghz and all seems well. Gonna do some in depth testing and see if this is stable. I sure hope so as it's very speedy... :D


I'll have to go back and check the CAS2 stability issue after I play around with overclocking some more.

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Corsair says the ram timings for the C2 and C2PT XMS series are 2-3-3-6 which is what I'm running. I have to say there is not much performance difference that I can detect between default (3-3-3-8) and the factory recommended settings (2-3-3-6).


Make sure you set the correct number for the correct ram timing variable- I think in the bios they re listed out of order (2-3-6-3).

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Well, I finally tested and I am able to use 2,3,3,6 @ 200Mhz with the new BIOS. Doesn't work @ 220Mhz though, so I'm back to 2.5,3,3,8. That's okay though, cause it's running stable and everything seems fast and smooth. I'm really liking this mobo... :D

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How do you like that case Muppet? I'm LOVIN mine! Nicest case I've ever worked with. I need to get a couple fans for the side panel, to blow directly on the CPU, GPU, chipset areas to lower my temps some. Otherwise I'm very happy with this system. I wish I could hit 2.8Ghz like you're doing, but I'm not really hardcore about overclocking. I prefer to keep my VCORE at default and see how high things will go like that. Mine will do the 2.4Ghz and it seems stable thus far, but even pushing it to 225Mhz from 220Mhz and the system won't even boot into Windows. I'm actually quite happy with things so far. I upgraded from an Intel P4 3.2Ghz system with a 6800U and this system definitely feels a bit snappier... ;)

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