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what do you use for cooling?


i use 1.4v + 113% which is 1.58v for 3000mhz; 1.61 for 3066mhz on air.




With 1.65 volts on my 3700 Newark and a Zalman 9500 I'm getting around 32C idle, around 40 load.

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With 1.65 volts on my 3700 Newark and a Zalman 9500 I'm getting around 32C idle, around 40 load.
that Z9500 is a really sweet cooler, but the only cooler i'll use is the 948U that a very nice forum member from another forum leant me. i won't buy an air cooler b/c i've got my water cooling system that i'll be running.


so i think 1.65v or less will get me 3300mhz S&M stable with a 520mhz mem bus.




EDIT: those are some really nice temps, but what clock are you running?

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EDIT: those are some really nice temps, but what clock are you running?


235x12. I think I could get more if I used even a halfway decent PSU, but I'm gonna be selling it to a roommate (hopefully) anyways so I'll clock it down a bit for him, whatver I can get at 1.55 maybe.


Its also still fairly cool in here, around 65F so over summer it'll be considerably warmer (no ac).


Hate to see it go, very fun to play with....but I don't think I'd be able to find anybody to buy the rig in my sig if I were to keep it... :rolleyes:

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what do you use for cooling?


i use 1.4v + 113% which is 1.58v for 3000mhz; 1.61v for 3066mhz on air altho i can go up to 3125 using 1.61v it's just not S&M stable.





Zalman 9500


It's about 70 degrees right now. windows open load has come down to 48 max at the moment.

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what do you use for cooling?


i use 1.4v + 113% which is 1.58v for 3000mhz; 1.61v for 3066mhz on air altho i can go up to 3125 using 1.61v it's just not S&M stable.




Zalman 9500

It's about 70 degrees right now with windows open and load is 45-46-47

I just always say the highest it goes.

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Zalman 9500

It's about 70 degrees right now with windows open and load is 45-46-47

I just always say the highest it goes.

it's 70F in my place too, i'm always cold and i keep my place warm. i must have a better clocking core than you, luck of the draw. i didn't get so lucky with my 7800GS tho, i can only run my gpu at 460mhz.. oh well. i'm happy with it as i can get over 7K in 3D05. that score will raise a bit once Rivatuner supports my card b/c i'll get to tweak my timings and enable other optimisations. so i'm happy. the eVGA super clock runs 460/1350 and my card runs 460/1500. and i can always do the voltage over current protection mod and vcore pencil mod.


but yah, i got the luck of the draw with the Newark core i received. using an inferior hsf from you guys and getting 3066 stable is pretty nice.



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Very nice rig, you got there and alot of work as I see, Maybe put a couple of hours into your site, I like the domain name, it's easy to remember. You could make it a modding site, with all the pics you got. keep up the good work. PS I love that you had that rig in pieces in the kitchen, If I came home from work and seen that instead of dinner cooking, I would have had to jump my wife's bones right then and there. LOL


@Dan that is some nice temps you are getting there. I might have to upgrade coolers. Using Thermaltake Pipe101 right now, 28C idle and 46C load. My Aquagate is busted.

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it's 70F in my place too, i'm always cold and i keep my place warm. i must have a better clocking core than you, luck of the draw. i didn't get so lucky with my 7800GS tho, i can only run my gpu at 460mhz.. oh well. i'm happy with it as i can get over 7K in 3D05. that score will raise a bit once Rivatuner supports my card b/c i'll get to tweak my timings and enable other optimisations. so i'm happy. the eVGA super clock runs 460/1350 and my card runs 460/1500. and i can always do the voltage over current protection mod and vcore pencil mod.


but yah, i got the luck of the draw with the Newark core i received. using an inferior hsf from you guys and getting 3066 stable is pretty nice.




Thats weird my 6800gt will do about 8.5k overclocked to 420/1200 in 3d05 but fastwrites hafta be turned off in the bios.

Why is this ?

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Very nice rig, you got there and alot of work as I see, Maybe put a couple of hours into your site, I like the domain name, it's easy to remember. You could make it a modding site, with all the pics you got. keep up the good work. PS I love that you had that rig in pieces in the kitchen, If I came home from work and seen that instead of dinner cooking, I would have had to jump my wife's bones right then and there. LOL


@Dan that is some nice temps you are getting there. I might have to upgrade coolers. Using Thermaltake Pipe101 right now, 28C idle and 46C load. My Aquagate is busted.

well about a year back i had a whole new design coded and i had new content, i worked about three months on it... then my WDC 80gig died on me and i lost it all... i was about to just sell off all my . and forget about computers, but i got pulled back in and i just never found the insipration to get the site going again.


thanx for the compliments. i'll have to at least throw some pix up or something.



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