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Hey GM..

Have you seen some of the sig's in this ram cooling mods thread ?


Don't they know they could run dividers and not need all that cooling ?

I mean surely they know overclocking memory on a 64 does not give

that much of a performance gain :nod:

yes, i read that whole thread b4 i bought my nf3 system b/c i wanted the nf3-ultra 939 but dfi couldn't get it right so they quite making it. then i was going to pick up an epox at christmas and they went out of stock and never came back in. *sigh*


the thing i noticed from running at ht300mhz and a 166 divider giving me 250mhz, then the 180 divider giving me 272mhz is that even tho the superPI score went down by 1 second the system felt faster. so i would presume that running 235 2.0-2-2-5-1T would give the same number crunching results as running 1:1 at 300mhz 2.5-4-4-8-2T plus that extra speed i feel, i dunno where it comes from.


but no matter what i do i can not get my ram to run 2.5... it's been that way since i first bought the ram. 3.0 runs tho, but i can't get 300mhz to boot. i tried as loose as 3.0-5-5-10-2T-17-21 and it still wouln't post. so i'll have to settle on 272mhz. or try 1:1 with 3.0-4-4-8-2T and see how high i can get with it.


i'm waiting for my water cooling for all this. i think it will make a difference, even at 3GHz b/c when i run 3D05 at 3000mhz / 272mhz mem it runs fine till it hits the CPU test and it crashes right away. i can run all day long with any 3DMark at 3000mhz / 250mhz mem tho.


once i get my water setup i may try going back to the 504 bios and see what that does for me.


so, i've still got a but of testing to go yet.





EDIT: oh yah, and you know how people like to go over board with cooling

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I have tried probably 5 different water solutions in my other machine which has an Asetek kit. I have used FluidXP, Fluid XP+ Extreme, normal distilled water, PrimoChill ICE and Koolance. Personally I don't think anything can touch the Koolance packs. They IMHO perform the best and keep the system "OH SO" clean.



and this was after a year of running it? it didn't leave a residue that needs to be cleaned out from the inside of the tubing? what about pump cleaning? what type of pump did you run? i'm running the Asetek maglev, their new pump.



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My sweet spot seems to be...


245x12...183 divider..Memory [email protected] 2-2-2-5

Htl speed 980--245x3

Cpu @1.4v+110%=1.540

Zalman 9500@39 idle 48 load


Seems that no matter what I did(water-volts-settings) a clock speed of 3000 would only prime for 4 to 5 hrs.

So the only thing I can figure is my cpu is maxed out or ?

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My sweet spot seems to be...


245x12...183 divider..Memory [email protected] 2-2-2-5

Htl speed 980--245x4

Cpu @1.4v+110%=1.540

Zalman 9500@39 idle 48 load


Seems that no matter what I did(water-volts-settings) a clock speed of 3000 would only prime for 4 to 5 hrs.

So the only thing I can figure is my cpu is maxed out or ?

well, you're full load is only 48C so maybe running 1.6vcore would make a difference. on water i'll be going up to 1.65vcore.


my sweet spot is 1.4+113% 3000mhz 10xht300mhz / 166 - 250mhz @ 2-3-3-5-1T HTL 900



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The quad sli...

That's still not enough to saturate 16x pci-e.


The nv boards use pci-e 1x to bridge the sli.

Either or really, it will use the bridge if it has one, which is 1x, or through the bus.


The radeon's use backplane pci.

I'm not sure of the exact spec on that.

There's a few diffrent speed standereds for backplane pci so...

Still is'nt that much speed though needed.

About the same as heavyly oc'ed pci bus.


If you could connect to agp cards to a board and have them work at full speed, and oc the agp bus.

They would do just as well as pci-e, in sli mode as long as you hacked the foreware drive to enable it.

No one has done that, would be funny though.


Whatever though blah blah blah lol.

I could go on and on about that.



The tccd thing.

My old batch of 346 runs 3.3v fine.

At higher speeds you can tell it don't like it, otherwise you would'nt even know it.

Some timings need more voltage though for some reason, I don't know what that is all about yet.

Max I run through it these days is 2.9v, used to need 3.0v for some things.

For now at 275 I run it at 2.8v, no higher, no lower.

Maybe later I can finally get it down to 2.7v or something.




You should beable to get 4-4-3-3, or 3-3-3-3 with any memory up to 275.


My setup right now for 275 is:

tRAS 11



tRP 3


tRC 9

tRFC 14


tRC could be up to 11.

tRAS could be as low as 3.

tRCDR could be as low as 2(Can doit at 250 :, but that's about it)


With cas3 and cmd 2 timings anyways.

I noticed these realy on those old alpha timings alot though, so it may depend I guess on what you got on those newer boards.

All the timings realy on the old alphas being setup 1st.

To low, and you need a high cas and cmd, sometime tRAS(like above).

To high, and you can't get anything decent for timings.


I'm sorry I can't be of more help, I don't know if it really matters anyways.

You're getting a decent clock it seems for the most part.

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ya, i can get CL2.0 or CL3.0 but CL2.5 my ram won't hanve anything do to with. i can run ht300mhz / 180; 272mhz 2.0-3-4-5-1T all day long, until i run anything 3D. and loosening those timings make no difference.


the NF3-250GB is a single memory controller mobo unlike all the rest, including the NF2. the same sticks on my NF2 will happily run 2.0-2-2-8-1T at 250mhz. but on my single mem controller nf3 it will only do 2.0-3-3-5-1T. if i went down to one 512mb stick i could get much better timings and higher bus, but who wants to run 512mb now a days. i can play heavy games for hours and then pop out of them like the system was just turned on. this is running 3000mhz, ht300mhz, 250mhz mem at 2.0-3-3-5-1T.


i've still got some things to learn about the settings in the bios for the cpu/mem page yet. i also am going back to my water cooling now that i finally got my parts i needed to repair it from Asetek; it's just the circuit board on the back of the pump.


since i've been able to go from 2950mhz on air to 3000mhz on air, a 50mhz jump, and my water cooled frequency was 3200mhz. i'm going to try for: 3300mhz / ht315mhz / 166; 254mhz 2.0-3-3-5-1T. that should give me a nice boost. :)



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On those newer boards it seems as if som inportant timings are missing that the nf2 had and needed absolute.

I'm not totally sure until I peek into the bios again though.


Also the newer boards are mising the lpt port I guess.


Both are enough to warrent me not buying them, either one and I would say no...

So I'm staying away from those boards and sticking with the nf2's until something better comes along.

I mean, if I can't get full control over my ram, at least as much as the nf2, then it's just not worth it to me.

Maybe when the am2 boards come out I guess, maybe then it'll be allright, totally diffrent memory(Then again it'll still matter, even ddr3 needs the other timings).


I recently worked with a cele 1.6ghz with ddr2.

Fast as heck memory wise, and it was a laptop at that.

So now I'm all ok with ddr2(For the most part), as it's easy to get alot of bandwith.

I'd still prefer ddr1 though, but that's the brakes I guess :.



I'm pretty dissapointed in the nf4's though.

The expert and venus look like garbage to me, the pcb it's self.

The ultra d looks allright, but the sli dr looks like it was'nt even finished with it's sata setup on the sil controller.

Poor setup of tREF, missing timings that are extremly inportant, not for just bandwith, but for overall oc'ing and other timings.

Major bummer, but I still need to double check by hand before making my mind up about not getting one.


With the socket a outperfrming the newer cpu's when the speeds are identical.

CPU wise, not bus wise.

That and the major issues with mising timings that would make some ram, clock to under 400mhz maybe, when it could of reached a min of 533.

No lpt port, which I absolutly need for a gaming rig.



Anyways good luck on that board and have some fun and all :).

Laters :).




TGM, what sorta of scores do you get with that setup btw?


For everest and superpi.

Wondering about say 2.5ghz cpu references if possible :).


I'm just curious about how it does in single chan compared to dual chan(nf4), and comparing against the nf2.

I don't have any serious cooling of anykind so I can't compare against 3ghz.

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well, i just have a single memory controller NF3 and i haven't firgured out how to tweak it really tight with the secondary settings. i leave everything on auto cept for 2-2-2-5-1T for 228bus 2.5GHz


Everest 2006: 39.8ns and 3557mb/s

SuperPI: 34s ...my best is 28s


these numbers are only going to get better when i get my water cooling back in my system :)



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Thanks :).

The bandwith I'm not to sure of(It'll only get better like you said), but that latency...

Crazy fast there.


That superpi is likely gonna get much better anyways.

My personal best since I've messed with it is 40secs(Not the greatest).

Was with diff timings then I use now, but at 250x10.



Thanks for info though :).

Memory bandwith I think may be generally the same as before when the mem controller was'nt a part of the cpu.

Not sure.

However latency is way down to even compare agaisnt.

That could very well be why these newer boards clock so high.

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the mem bandwidth will go upwards to 4000mb/s+ i know that much as i will be running a 255mhz mem bus instead of a 228mhz mem bus. i'll be trying for 3300mhz, ht315mhz, 255mhz mem 2.0-3-3-5-1T when i get the water back in.


my best SuperPI with my NF2/barton system is 38s and my best lats were 68ns and best bandwidth was 3800mb/s+


this NF3-250GB skt754/Newark cpu is by far a much faster system at 3000mhz, and 250mhz mem 2.0-3-3-5-1T bus (i'd say maybe even as little as 2700mhz/225mhz mem bus) compared to my 2600mhz 249mhz FSB 2.0-2-2-10-1T NF2/Barton machine, and i don't know how to totally tweak this thing yet, heh. i'm really happy with it.


and with my new 7800GS AGP card i get 7086 in 3D05 and 14,858 in 3D03. i haven't tried 3D06 yet but people are getting between 3K~4K with the card. it's the best AGP card out there, maybe the x850xt beats it a bit in 3D01 and ties in 3D03 but the 7800GS pulls away in 3D05. plus the 7800 has SM3.0 and HDR for future proofing and it's 100% Vista compatible. so, i'll be hummin along just fine for about a year to year and half. then i'll decide what to upgrade to then :)



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