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first time poster here, just bought DFI NFII ULTRA B

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in reading through the posts here i am seeing some mixed results on using a barton 3200 on the ultra B. I will be installing it early next week and want to make sure it will run on it. it has bios 06/19/2004 flashed on it. from reading through the posts here i seem to think that i will be ok with this bios. i plan on doing a little bit of overclocking but nothing extreme. i mainly bought it to replace my Abit AN7 as i wanted better memory performance, better overclock and more SATA ports. i looked into getting an X2 system but run into to much hassle so sent the stuff back and bought the DFI board to prolong my barton another year or so. Please be gentle!!!! :)

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Welcome to the forums,


You purchased a NF2 Ultra B, great catch. Was it new? Didn't know there were any still around. They are getting harder and harder to find.


You should have a lot of fun with the board so long as you treat it with respect. Your sig states you have OCZ platinum 2 gig kit. Great stuff for gaming. This ram is also ok for mild overclocking. Usually get a max of 220 on the FSB at 2-2-2-5 /2-3-2 5 timings. If you want to get into heavier overclocking, you might want to purchase an extra bios chip but I'm not sure if those 1 gig dimms will let you.

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Hi there................


You might wanna read through this thread:




I got a LOT of help from these guys in, practically, no time.........................


Board is running like a charm and now I am pumping up the volume with cooling (Thermalright NB-1) and better memory coming soon.


I am loving this so far. TMod can get you some bios help and a BIOS SAVIOR seems like it would be good insurance as well.



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.... i plan on doing a little bit of overclocking but nothing extreme....

lol... famous last words... :rolleyes: welcome to the forums... good luck with your DFI LP B

i mainly bought it to replace my Abit AN7 as i wanted better memory performance, better overclock and more SATA ports.

well... if you still have your AN7... check out my guide to it... you should find it helpful..

Dariens AN7 guide

the AN7 is a great board, but the LP B has more OC potential... btw it is a well known fact that the SATA chip on the DFI LP boards... the Sil3114 chip will not run nearly as fast as the Sil3112 chip found on the AN7 and Nf7-s boards..

i looked into getting an X2 system but run into to much hassle so sent the stuff back and bought the DFI board to prolong my barton another year or so. Please be gentle!!!! :)

whoa.. good luck brother... coming from the AN7 the DFI LP B was a MAJOR headache for me... they are insanely quirky and can be extremely tempermental...

the good news is the people here are very cool and very helpful... and although quirky it's a seasoned board and most problems you have will probably be known issues.


if you're lookin for a hassle free, stable board with good SATA and only a mild overclock... I hate to say it, but the LP B may not be the best board for you....


if you are a persisent tech junkie who like to troubleshoot and want to have an overclocking beast that will scream like a banshee then you want the DFI LP B :cool:

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well darien you might have just talked me out of using it now :( SATA is a big factor for me as i have one DVD-RW hooked up via adapter and one SATA drive hooked up. do not want to lose that. damn, oh well i am sure i can trade or sell it for something nice as i see some still like the board. thank you for being honest

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well darien you might have just talked me out of using it now :( SATA is a big factor for me as i have one DVD-RW hooked up via adapter and one SATA drive hooked up. do not want to lose that. damn, oh well i am sure i can trade or sell it for something nice as i see some still like the board. thank you for being honest

you can still use it....you don't have to loose anything... the DFI LP B is Great board.

just wanted you to know that the SATA isn't as fast as your AN7.... yes it has 4 SATA connectors compated to the AN7's 2.... but if you only have one SATA dirve, the AN7 is faster....

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Sata runs fine Hclarkjr it benches a lil slower than the 3112 but in real world terms i doubt you would notice it. A big mistake to trade or get rid of that mobo, they are legends and you wont find a better NF2 anywhere.

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well darien you might have just talked me out of using it now :( SATA is a big factor for me as i have one DVD-RW hooked up via adapter and one SATA drive hooked up. do not want to lose that. damn, oh well i am sure i can trade or sell it for something nice as i see some still like the board. thank you for being honest

Heh. Don't let 'em scare you off that fast. ;)


Honestly..... these boards are a bit quirky. But that's part of their charm.


They aren't known for playing well with XP3200's. Some have gotten them to work out alright but the XP-Mobile's are definitely the CPU of choice it you want to overclock much.


Just remember to treat your DFI Sista like a temperamental girlfriend on Valentine's day. She expects nothing less.

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Sata runs fine Hclarkjr it benches a lil slower than the 3112 but in real world terms i doubt you would notice it. A big mistake to trade or get rid of that mobo, they are legends and you wont find a better NF2 anywhere.


This is true... I run my SATA drive on mine I don't see any real world slow down... but this is from Logans FAQ page


Sata: I am going to mention this as I think it is pertinent, the Sil3114 controller is well known to be a lot slower than the Sil3112 controller found on the Abit NF7….IF you expect your Sata HDD to fly on the ”Sistas” then DON’T, they do not and nothing short of buying a PCI SATA card is going to make them otherwise. Even my PCI PATA card and PATA HDD fly faster than a Sata setup on 3114….Off course this is all benchmark related and in real world terms maybe different for yourself, for me though it hasn’t really been worth migrating from PATA Hdd’s to Sata Hdd’s because of this ”slow down” on the ”Sista’s” There is some interesting reading across at PCPerspective forums on this phenomenon if you wish to peruse it at your own leisure. All in all the slow down can be attributed to the fact that the 3114 controller is integrated through the 266MB’s PciBus.

I wasn't suggesting you get rid of your DFI... just wanted to give you a heads up

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INdeed nice find that D ;) thanks for pointing out my young sentiments...... ;)


Off course this is all benchmark related and in real world terms maybe different for yourself


Like i say the chances of you noticing in real world terms are slim. Most of the above relates to benchmarking.



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