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Should I be concerned?


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Hey all,


Got my new system up and running and am in the process of overclocking it at the moment. All i'm looking for is 250mhz fsb, nothing major. I know my memory definitely does that as it's rated ddr500.


This is the process i've taken so far:

As suggested in the overclocking guide on here, I lowered LDT to 3, decreased memory clock to 100mhz (10:2) and started overclocking with a voltage of 1.45. I went to 215, then 230, then 240 and finally 250 with SuperPi in between each with no errors.


I then increased LDT back up to 4, ran SuperPi again, ok no errors. I then pumped up memory back up to 200mhz 1:1. Did another SuperPi no errors.


I left StressPrime on overnight, and looking at event log it caved in around 3.5 hours after.


This morning I increased voltage to 1.475 and windows started crashing about 30 seconds after login. So I lowered it back down to 1.45 and same thing.


I then decreased FSB back down to 200mhz and did superpi and it's fine. I have since increased voltage up to 1.5v and fsb back up to 210mhz and did superpi, fine again, no errors.


Once I get home i'll leave stress prime on for 4 hours and see how I go.


Should I be concerned so far?


Thanks, Koji

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Ram timings are exactly as stock. 3-4-3-8. These muskin are rated as that. I haven't changed it at all. Should I maybe increase voltage to the memory? I haven't touched memory voltage at all yet. If so, how far should I push it?

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I don't currently have the computer linked to anything so I can't get screenshots. Well I probably could.... i'll do it later.


From reading a few other threads I found there was another 3pin floppy connector between the PCIE and CPU that I didn't plug in. What is this for? Anyway, since plugging it in it seems a whole lot more stable.


Since dropping it back down to 200fsb when it was crashing heaps, last night I got it back up to 230mhz in 10mhz increments with superpi 32m in between.


This morning i've dropped vcore back down to 1.45 and vdimm back down to 2.6. Doing another SuperPi now. I was tempted to leave it on priming today while I was at work but it gets pretty hot in my small computer room. Might do it another time. Seems a lot more stable now anyway, I can just feel it :D


Ambient around 24, load with super pi at 45. Was idling at 33.

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