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Pc wont boot completely....just keeps restarting...

Guest jebus_merged

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Everything was working fine when all of a sudden I got a screen with this.


We apopogize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this.

If you computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders, choose Last Known Good Configuration to revert ot the most recent setting stat worked.

If a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the Power or Reset button was pressed, or if you aren't sure what caused the problem, choose Start Windows Normally.


Safe Mode

Safe Mode with Networking

Safe Mode with Command Prompt

Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)

Start Windows Normally


Use the up and down arrow keys to move the highlight to your choice.



No matter what I choose it just trys to reboot and returns to this screen.

It was making it to the main windows startup screen but just for a second and then going to the reboot.

I decided to reinstall windows since I wanted to do this anyway but I could not get it to finish the install....tried 2 different hard drives.


So now I cannot get passed this screen.


I disconnected all unnessary devices. Tried swapping out some of the ram. Still no luck.


Any ideas?


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Your computer is unstable and You are attempting to run 4 sticks.

Are you overclocked. The fact that everything was running well before means only that. It isn't running right now. Start it as though it's a new install. Clear CMOS, etc..


You'll get it. I've been through same situation dozens of times. These DFI Boards keep you standing on your toes.


Don't make a new window with it.

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I am stocked in the same situation as you, same damn restart problem. Mine both restart in windows and when it boot (this problems is for me only related to dual channel).


So I am not the right to give you the answer when I can't solve my own problem, try Clear Cmos, try with only one RAM and run memtest.


Today am I running two ram's in single channel (slot 1&2) and they are rock stable, and when I feel confident enough I will try dual again...maybe you find the solution and can update me.

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