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Venice 3000 voltage and OC


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Curious what are you guys with the Venice cores running for Voltage and Overclock speeds? I'm having a hell of a time overclocking my Venice past 2500mhz. I have feeling my CPU isn't one of the better cores

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I am running at 2800 for everyday use at 1.62 volts. Max prime stable is 2920 at 1.72 volts and I can run 32M Superpi at 3.0. This is with peltiers for cooling though. My load temps are between 7 and 9 celsius. On air I got to 2690 prime stable with 1.57 volts.

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Certain dividers can wreak havoc when trying to overclock a CPU, and some dividers the CPU just won't do. My 140 divider ends up 1:1 and my 180 divider has a problem running CAS 2.5 but will run my BH-5 at CAS 2 just fine. Try setting up on the 133 divider and push your CPU seperate from the memory. I haven't seen a Venice yet that wouldn't do 2.6.

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An oppurtunity to brag a little on my CPU....


My AMD 3200+ is doing 2700+ at stock 1.4 volts, right now running prime but it's 32m Pi stable, BF2, and AOE III stable which I've found to be a killer of OCs for it's ram dependencies which I had problems with my old G.skill 2x1gb. Thank you NewEgg RMA policy, just got a refund and bought my OCZs in my sig.


Running 46 degrees at Blend Prime Load. Yeah I know the stock cooler and a bad mounting job is killing my temps. I have an SI-120 coming. Hoping to get 2800 with new cooling and maybe a divider on the RAM.

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2.7 on stock volts is damn good. You should send that and your board to me. I don't even know what my CPU will do on stock volts.. Anyway. Glad to see you got your chance to brag.. Now take your Dual channel NF4 stuff and go away.:) I'm just kidding around.. Us 754 guys are glad to get some nice Venice cores.

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Yeah once I got my OCZ I was playing around at 1.475 in the 2.7 area but temps were almost peaking at 60 so I decided to say screw it while my SI-120 makes it away across the nation. I couldn't stay away though and wanted to see how high I could get it on stock volts and I'm at 2.7 now, still stable. Will run Prime overnight. Which test do you guys recommend for ultimate stability, Blended? Large FTTs?

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Certain dividers can wreak havoc when trying to overclock a CPU, and some dividers the CPU just won't do. My 140 divider ends up 1:1 and my 180 divider has a problem running CAS 2.5 but will run my BH-5 at CAS 2 just fine. Try setting up on the 133 divider and push your CPU seperate from the memory. I haven't seen a Venice yet that wouldn't do 2.6.


Priming at 2580mhz right now at around 1.56 volts. 150 divider. I failed within 2 minutes at this speed last time. I changed from CAS 2.5 to 2.0 WTF? :confused: It's a good 15 minutes into Prime now.

Ram is running at 184mhz. The 150 divider is the highest one I can go too at the moment. My pc wouldn't even post with the 166 divider. I think some DDR 500 is going to be on order very soon.

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