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sandy 3700 vs opty's - the showdown!


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How many of you have had experience OC'ing both of these chips ?


please relate your best / worst clocks and any problems so i can make the choice whether or not to sell my opty and get a new 3700 san diego.


i know what the opty's can do and ive played with the Venice and Winchester cores but havent had the pleasure of a trip to San Diego lol.


i know there are no hard and fast guarantees with overclocking but if it looks like a good probability of hitting 2900+ then i will be extremely tempted.


Incidently, the Opteron 146's are now more expensive and less available than the 3700 SD in the UK.


Anyway, cheers for any input



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i am wondering, how long have you had that opty?

did you follow the guide for oc'ing?

are you sure the max of your cpu is 2.76?

have you tried looser timings on you ram to see if you can get your cpu higher?

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i can get the cpu upto 2.85 stable but the vcore needs to be 1.58v. thats too high for my liking. and that clock is normal for that week and code. i would probably get another opty if the prices hadnt gone so high which is why i'm considering the 3700.

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