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New Posts That Arent New?


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I am a regular on four different forums right now and this is the only one that i run into this problem. Most of the time after a view or post on a topic and then leave the site or just look around for awhile when i come back or just look around it stills says there is a new post. Open that part up and check where it says there is a new post only to find there isnt. Is it something with my comp settings or the sites? I am no expert on the way forums work (have really only used them for about a year) but what's the deal?




Also some reason this site wont take my sig even after trying several sizes and formats.

Mists sig

Edited by Mist

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I have tried that but they still show up as new. I dont get it Ive tried taking cookies off and tried it with them on still no difference. think its time for me to sleep now. (curls up into the fetal position and crys himself to sleep)

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