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Missing InstallShield?


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For Christmas, one of the gifts my parents got me was a hard drive. I was excited as my other one was clicking, so I put on a fresh copy of Windows Media Center Edition, and installed all of my games and files. However, a week or two ago I started having problems installing things which used InstallShield. These include 3DMark06, iTunes, a Doom 3 patch, etc. I can't give you one exact error message, but I do know it's something to do with the InstallShield. The copy of Windows is from my parents Gateway, but has been LEGALLY transferred to my ownership as their machine is running XP Pro for business purposes. It does not, however, have a repair option. I'd like to not have to reformat. Does anyone know a way to solve my problems?

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There is no transfer of ownership regarding an OEM copy of Windows. Check the OEM EULA.


I've translated the legal stuff into plain english so you can understand it.


After an OEM software license has been installed on a PC, the license may not be installed on another PC.


The software is licensed with the computer system on which it was originally installed. OEM licenses are single-use licenses that cannot be installed on more than one computer system. The EULA states that the license may not be shared, transferred to or used concurrently on different Computers.


And never call an admin or moderator names even in a PM. It tends to make us mad.

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