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Again: system doesnt boot, no vga 4leds lit

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i have a problem, with my mb... (system look signature)

i have everything connected.

BUT: first i only connected the 24pin cable and the 4 pin cabel from power supply to the mb, and tried to start the system.

now, 2hours later i have read, that i have to connect also the hdd and fdd cable to mb... :rolleyes:

But it doesnt helps...

The 4diagnostic leds are lit. and the standby power led, and the dram power led.

i have the ram in the first orange slot.

my cpu is correctly installed.

i have already tried to use another ram, and another vga, but it didnt help!

also i tried to use another power supply, but without the 2 hdd and fdd cable connected to the mb...

could that be the problem, that i had not connected the 2cables to the mb?


i have also tried a cmos clear (only 30min). but what is the insert key?? is that the restart key on the mb?

the mainboard is new, and has not started yet, so i cant see what bios version i have...


Thx for your help

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The INSERT key should be on your keyborad (use a PS2 keyboard when you got problems like this) and you should push it and hold before you push the start button to get to the default BIOS settings. See some helpful links in my sig. I don't think it will help in your case but you should try everything! How many beebs is your system making? If any! Set the little motherboard speaker jumper to ON so you can hear it. :shake:

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hmm im not so good in english, where is the insert key on the keyboard?^^


i have tested now the cpu, and it is okay. so the only thing, what could make the problems is the motherboard "himself".

i have some leds for modding behind the mb. i will make them away, and try again.

i hope it will run then.... :sad:

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it is only one stick.

but i have here also 2x1gb samsung ram. but it doesnt run too.

i have also tested 1x1gb mdt ram. but it doesnt run too. :sad:

it must be the motherboard, but i dont know why... i have now tested all hardware what is in the computer, and everything is okay.

Do you know what it can be?

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Is the mobo in the case or out?


If in, I would take it out of the case, and remove everything but the CPU, 1 stick ram in the orange slot farthest from CPU, and vid card.


Try to boot. If it POSTs enter BIOS, Load optimized, enable memtest, save and exit. Let memtest run on 1 stick for about 30 min., then shutdown, and put in the other stick and repeat.


Additional information on build steps can be found Ed Jacobson’s Build Guide


PS: Does that PSU have a native 24 pin mobo connector, or is it a 20=>24 pin adapter? If it uses an adapter, these boards do not like it

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Why don't you keep using the Super Flower 500W! It is better that the one in your signature! I doubt that the one in your sig. can power up your board.

Check the links in my sig. which power supplies are good and which not and like I said I would do the minimal build! :cool:

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hmm okay. thx for answers!

but i think 450w are good enough. a friend has 380w seasonic, with opteron and dfi-ultra-d, and it runs good.

and i have tested already the super flower power supply with my computer. its the same as with the elanvital!

i will try to get the mb out of the case, but its not easy, because i have a liquid cooling.

my power supply has 24 pin (you can make 4pins away, when u need 20pin), but as i said, i have already tested the super flower power supply, and this has a "real" 24pin. and it doesnt run....

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Regarding to your power supply! It is not the Wattage of your power supply that matters alone. You need also the Aperage on the 12V rail. The DFI boards require at least 26Amp on the 12V rail for non SLI setup! I guess that makes things clear for you! Regarding to your MOBO! I guess if you tried everything you should start thinking about a RMA or a new BIOS chip! :cool: Good luck and let us know how it turnes out!

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