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New pc problems

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I just put together part of the pc in my signature like the step by step on the forums. When I hit the start button on the mother board its starts up with the fans and the led lights with 4 lights then its slowly goes down to just one light and the system goes into idle( fans running slowly and one led light staying on. I have tried different memory and tried clearing the cmos. I have all 4 plugs plugged in and I have a power light on. I have heard of some problems with the Seasonic Power supply and cannot find the thread on the jumper thing. please help me if you can....I havent got another power supply so I cant test it for problems. oh also the monitor tries to come on and then it goes off

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yes no video. The pc boots up like its gonna go on then the monitor turns on the led lights are all 4 on then the lights go down the video (nothing on the screen yet) goes off then the fans all quiet down like on idle or something. The fans are loader at first then really quiet barely hear em and the 1 led light stays on

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