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Low Htt/fsb overclock


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I tried to find my mobo's max htt/fsb. normally i can run 240x10 on my opt 170 perfectly fine and play games with no problems, but when i tried to find max htt using clockgen while prime95'ing it gets an error around 235-240 htt. What the heck. I know my mobo can reach higher than that. I tried 2x htt multi and even 3x multi. i tried upping ldt voltage and chipset voltage individually (not at same time). but errored faster. i tried switching harddrive from sata1 port to sata4 port. nothing. I really need some help

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no, i did not try 4x. I can definitely do that. As far as memory dividers go what would I try besides 200 at 1/2, which was from an o/c'ing guide i was trying to follow. I want to find the max fsx/htt for my mobo, but at the same time I don't want to go over the speed of what my memory can handle. I have ddr400 memory.

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WHat do you mean max of your MOBO?

YOu find the max of your CPU and the MEMORY seperately..

When you are finding the max of cpu, keep the mem divider at 1/2..

when you are finding the max of memory, you have to put the mem divider at 1:1..

I tink you will be around atleast 225 with those sticks.. anyway you have to keep memtesting when you are upping the clock, so you will see errors if its overclocked..it woldnt hurt the memory...

Just a thought, if you are having errors I would suggest you try keeping the ltd/fsb at auto..

Good luck..!

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I have a question about HTT on the DFI boards... How high can the HTT go before you start to have problems... I've had my ultra up to 328. But with a new opti coming I want to make sure I can go higher. I hate 9x multipliers..

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  • 1 month later...

I ran into the same problem today. I've been messing around with my CPU, went from 300x10 to 310x10 with a little added voltage, but it woulnd't boot then.

Soo... well I thought it was my CPU maxing out. But: Even 310x9, 310x8 or anything like that won't work.

I've tried to increase voltage on LDT and chispet, LDT multiplier was at 3x, mem divider at 133... so I really don't know what's keeping me back.


Is there something else one "might" need to take into condideration?

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