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Quick Question


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Alliteration aside, my question is which would it be better to run at, 256 FSB 1:1 memory divider with 2.5-3-3-8 timings with a CPU multiplier of 10 or 256 FSB 9:10 memory divider with 2-3-2-6 timings with the same CPU multiplier of 10.

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true, plus for some reason the best stability test ive seen for my pc is the code creatures benchmark, if that runs i know im stable, if it doesnt i know im not. The funny thing is ive prime95'd for 24 hours before but would get blue screens after 2 days on the pc, so then i ran codecreatures and it wouldnt run, it froze. it seems that 256 1:1 works 24+ hours prime95 and passes code creatures where 256 9:10 didnt pass cc so im staying where i am.

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