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Can't get memory to run in Dual Channel

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Well, i've been posting here earlier about some memory problems,i think i've finally found the real problem.


I bought some new memory because i thought some of the old sticks were bad. I decided to go for some cheaper ones to wait for the RMA on the others, so i bougt 2x1GB Kingston Valueram DDR400.


I put both sticks in Slot 2 and 4, i used the guide written somewhere in here to get some of the lesser good brands to work, and it worked fine for a couple of hours or so.


I began using my computer as i normally would, but after the couple of hours i got a crash message "BAD_POOL_CALLER" being the message i always with the old memory as well i decided to do a memtest with the inbuilt memtest program.


Sure enough, it was making errors somewhat early in the tests, i decided to try different approached, the memory with just default options, also with 2T timings, but it was still making the problem.


I then tested each seperate stick to see if it was both that was failing, and to my surprise, BOTH sticks passed the memory test just fine in slot 2 when not running dual channel, so now i'm sticking to 1GB of memory in slot 2 without any problems.


Anyone ever seen anything like it?

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Well i followed the guide somewhere on the forums which guided people in running "crappy" memory. So i had those timings.


Then i just went back to optimized standards and put it on 1T first then 2T, then back to 1T again when i went back to one stick.


They're 3-3-3-6 right now i believe.

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Well i followed the guide somewhere on the forums which guided people in running "crappy" memory. So i had those timings.


Then i just went back to optimized standards and put it on 1T first then 2T, then back to 1T again when i went back to one stick.


They're 3-3-3-6 right now i believe.

So voltage? Also keep in mind you may just not be able to get those rams to play right at all. You could also try 3-3-3-8 as well. Disable bank interleave too. You will just have to play with them in hopes they will play right.

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I'll try 3-3-3-8 instead.


But i had 4x512MB ram in the start (Crucial ballistix). They were running fine on my old motherboard, which were a DFI NF4 SLI-D. But as the chipset cooler stopped working i bought the Expert SLI-DR.


The new board gave me a lot of memory errors, i was finally able to run it with any one single stick, besides one which were definately broken. But as soon as i tried to put in 2 sticks it would eventually just end up by crashing.


So i were suggested to get my crucial's replaced as they weren't always topquality, i didn't get it rma's back because i don't want to wait that long and i bought 2x1GB Kingston Valueram. Everything went fine for some hours, and it started having the same problems as the old memory, i took a memtest and the memory had an error around the "end" of each memory stick (10xxMB and 20xxMB) my 2x512MB had it in (5xx-10xx)

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