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1Gb vs. 2Gb RAM debate


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3. true if you want 1280x1024 and the graphics (eye candy) turned up to High or Maximum etc.


1024x768 with all the graphics on low/medium, or lower resolutions = 1GB is still ok (but why would you want all the low res if you just bought a new vid card to play BF4 or Quake9?)

1GB is still OK period. I still run 1GB (see sig) and all my games run on max fine. i will admit that i havent played BF2 or Oblivion and they are supposed to be RAM monsters but i have easily 100fps in game demo/bench runs and dont get stuttering EVER ingame. im not gonna try an say that everyone should stay on 1Gb. 2GB's are better - end of discussion. im just saying that 1GB is still fine ATM. but for future proofin, get 2GB's.


anyway - how in the heck did this thread get dug up from January. 6 months is a long time in the technology world. in another 6 months the things i just wrote wont even apply lol.

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1. running in 2T w/ 4x512 is a serious performance hit.

2. the better 2x1gb sticks will do excellent timings now.

3. newer games with larger detail rendering pack sizes work better with more than 1gb of ram.eg. BF2


Running 4X512 in 2T will @ worst show no difference @ all in a bench mark such as 3D mark 05, but it will make a big difference in how BF2 and game like it play!


And just for the record,I am down to 1 gig of ram as we speak and did a 3D/05 benchie for you and It scored 200 points less than it did with 2 gig @ 2T, yes i may get a better 3D/05 score with 2X1024 sticks but it wont be by much, the way some folk talk you think it was like loosing your arm or leg running 2T! :rolleyes:


1GB is still OK period. I still run 1GB (see sig) and all my games run on max fine.


Yea fine if your playing games like Black Hawk Down etc, but games like BF2, F.E.A.R, Far Cry, Half Life 2, Quake 4, Call of Duty 2 all runs smooth with 2 gig, whist @ this mo I cant even play BF2 with medium settings @ 1284 x 1024 with out stuttering, roll on Wednesday when I get my replacement memory back and I have 2 gig again!

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I have run both 2X 1GB kits and 4x512mb kits of RAM and it seems the only difference I see in game is that well, when I look at my computer through my side panel window there are only 2 sticks instead of 4, Currently I am running 4X512 sticks and have yet to see a single difference between these and the 2x1GB kit I tried out, both ran at 500mhz one at 3-3-2-8 (Newer Redline) and the other in my sig.

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I have run both 2X 1GB kits and 4x512mb kits of RAM and it seems the only difference I see in game is that well, when I look at my computer through my side panel window there are only 2 sticks instead of 4, Currently I am running 4X512 sticks and have yet to see a single difference between these and the 2x1GB kit I tried out, both ran at 500mhz one at 3-3-2-8 (Newer Redline) and the other in my sig.



LOL! :D;)

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I guess thats the beauty of a difference in opinion, and its a good thing, really without having these debates and arguments about whats better and whats not, everyone would be running the same things and it would be a lot less interesting...

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I just swapped out my 2x1 gig sticks for 2x2 gig. My 2x2 sticks don't hit the same timings but the performance boost is noticeable. The timings are good and Sandra reports 93% bandwidth. Combined with a moderate overclock the extra ram speed ed up my video encoding,ripping and it didn't hurt far cry either,

If you have the $$ get the best parts you can afford. Always buy quality ram.

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Running 4X512 in 2T will @ worst show no difference @ all in a bench mark such as 3D mark 05, but it will make a big difference in how BF2 and game like it play!


absolute rubbish


total rubbish


I've played 4x512 and 4x1GB


I've played FEAR, BF2, Oblivion, etc


it makes the same difference as benchmarks...less than 5%


Yea fine if your playing games like Black Hawk Down etc, but games like BF2, F.E.A.R, Far Cry, Half Life 2, Quake 4, Call of Duty 2 all runs smooth with 2 gig, whist @ this mo I cant even play BF2 with medium settings @ 1284 x 1024 with out stuttering, roll on Wednesday when I get my replacement memory back and I have 2 gig again!


if you are having problems with 4x512 or 2T playing any game, then it isn't the fact that you are using 4x512 or running 2T


games play just as well at 2T as they do at 1T


games play just as well with 4x512 and 2x1GB


there's so little difference that if you can tell the difference, you have set your mind up to create a difference in your head, but the difference is so little you can't notice it.


you come to my house and sit down on a 4x512 and you will have zero clue you are 4x512 @ 2T...

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I have run both 2X 1GB kits and 4x512mb kits of RAM and it seems the only difference I see in game is that well, when I look at my computer through my side panel window there are only 2 sticks instead of 4, Currently I am running 4X512 sticks and have yet to see a single difference between these and the 2x1GB kit I tried out, both ran at 500mhz one at 3-3-2-8 (Newer Redline) and the other in my sig.

this is the only difference you will see yep lol


MAYBE you can measure FPS and see you are getting 1fps lower, or 1% lower, etc...but anyone that claims they can notice a difference...it is all in your mind

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