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Odd unexpected freezing with sound

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Plus my CPU voltage is at 4.25v


Keep a fire extinguisher handy... So the change in the timing from 1T to 2T seemed to help? I'm having a similar problem with the freezing and looping sounds... Maybe a timing change is in order :)

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I get this problem notice we are both using sounblaster Audigy and Geforce 7800Gts . I think there may be an issue with this combination.


Need for speed most wanted gives me the issue.

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Sir: Figured it was typo, but had to make sure. Understand the stress-- been there, done that, will be there again! :nod:


I took a quick look at your posted images. Since you seem to know your way around a mobo, try reseating the RAM sticks, if you haven't already, just in case something slipped during shipping. After you reseat them, and if you're convinced you had a good OS install, give it another shot. If still have problems get on the memtest and let her rip a good 5-6 hours to give us some assurance its not a ram issue. BTW: My experience w Monarch is that they are a good vendor. You'll get a working system one way t'nother


You with a DB4D clan?

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I am able to play a few games, but the problem I'm having is definitely video card related. I can only get one of my cards to work individually (non-SLI), and when I have them configured in SLI I have difficulties w/ most games (Doom 3 and Quake 4 are the only 2 that seem to run OK). I have sinced RMA'd the two cards (XFX 6800XT) and I'm waiting for my new eVGA 7800GT to come in.


My advice is to focus your efforts on the video card - it seems to be the source of all of my stability problems.

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I have reseated my RAM and switch them to each others side. Even using just one stick in a slot. When I run the Memtest+ with the Standard option I don't get any errors for 6 hours. But once I run the memory sizing option to BIOS-All I get tons of errors. I added two pictures for you guys to see what I mean. http://img63.imageshack.us/my.php?image=00001197mt.jpg and http://img63.imageshack.us/my.php?image=00001221ve.jpg

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I was having the same problem, BSOD with an "MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION" error.


My System:

- Athlon 64 3200+ (Venice)

- 1Gb RAM

- DFI NF4 Ultra Infinity

- eVGA 7800GT

- Audigy 2 ZS


Figured out that removing the Audigy 2 ZS would stop the BSODs.


Try to remove the soundcard and use the onboard sound.

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SIR: Hmmnnn... don't like memtest errors. NOT a good sign. Never wanna run w MT errors. This stuff shouldn't be happening on a pre-built at stock settings. MEM or mem controller is suspect, but have a few more recommendations before you "ask Monarch to solve your problems". Try at least the first two below:


You say it was a "pre-built", yet you have a hard drive with your old OS install. Was your pre-built an entire system, or a mobo/cpu/ram combo that you built up? You've got SEVEN drives in there with over a terabyte storage (5HDD, 2 optical). Did you add drives, can your PSU handle that load???

FIRST SUGGESTION: Disconnect all HDD except your boot drive and all opticals except one if you need it to play games. Then test, if all works fine, then your PSU can't handle the load and you need to get one with more juice. Also, check your temps.

SECOND SUGGESTION: If #1 doesn't work, keep the same single HDD boot drive as above. and try a long CMOS clear.

THIRD SUGGESTION: Enter your spec memory settings manually in the bios instead of using AUTO.

FOURTH SUGESTION: Uninstall video drivers using Driver Cleaner PRO, and reinstall.

LAST SUGGESTION: If you are still having same issues on your new pre-built, its time to exercise your warranty dude. GOOD LUCK AND LET US KNOW HOW IT GOES.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest laydback

550w PSU prolly isnt enough to handle all your storage/media devies.


5 IDE 1 SATA + high end grapchics card...


That will use most of your max power comsumption right there. Have you monitored your each voltage rail with a dmm?

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