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not stable in dual channel

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hi, i have ramdom BSOD if i run dual channel(yellow slots). tried in orange slots even worst.... but once i just put 1 stick in(top yellow slot).... it's rock stable. using 704bta bios. any ideas?

memtest both sticks to be stable. i mean it's no problem when i put either one of the stick to run single channel. so i am pretty sure it's the dual channel problem...

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Have you run memtest with the 2 sticks (wasnt sure if you were asking a question or stating when you mentioned memtest previously)?? Did you test both sticks separately? Look around the forum for the successful bios settings for your ram too, GL!

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Searching the forums here you will find many references to the issue. Some of the suggestions that seem to have worked for some people are:


Upping the memory Voltage, my personal suggestion for doing this are go up in the smallest increments possible and repeat whatever the operation is that you have that causes the failure. Might also be worth getting some heat spreaders for the memory, I believe that VANTEC make some decent ones.


Changing the memory timeings/latency - I have no idea about how to go about this as on my MoBo you can't alter these settings.


Unfortunately there also seems to be issues with the Crucial Ballistix memory dimms. DFI Europe wrote this to me:


"Just to be sure on this matter I would characterize Crucial Ballistics RAM as "High Risk, High Gain" memory. We have noted much higher instances of this memory failing (High Risk), as compared to other models. When it does work it tends to be one of the best preformers available (High Gain). In this case as you are trouble-shooting an issue I don't think that it is the best memory to use. In your other mail I noticed you got better results using 1 memory module in the outermost slot. All these factors combined together strongly point in the direction of a memory issue. That said try some standard memory from a brand like Kingston and note the results. If such alternate memory is unavailable or it's use doesn't help then return the board as indicated above and we will take a look at it."


Hope this helps a little.



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