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I currently have the RDX200 and am putting 2 x1800xt in crsosfire once the RD580 coems out. I was wondering if the DFI is gonna ahve a RD580 apon release on the 24th? If not, when?


Also I was just wondering what tool do you guys use for overclocking yoru x1800xt? I cant seem to find an answer and well I see tons have them here. So do you use CCC or do you use ATI Tool?


And was also wondering if any of you have put an aftermarket heatsink on these cards? I am looking to do so also as my card hits 81C @ 680-690 on stock.


Thanks a ton guys!!

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A lot of ppl use ATi Tool, yeah they will have a new board with the new chipset coming out, don't know when though, i thought there was supposed to be a new one coming now with this chipset, but without the USB, and no SATA probs. :)

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