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I had my dvd drive installed and my 1 sata drive installed when i booted windows xp w/sp 2 and went through the format process and the install of the windows. After windows was installed it rebooted. then i got the nasty error. ....







I have reset MB bios, problem persists.

I have unplugged everything but the hard drive, problem persists.

I have tried almost everything.


Please help. a fellow gaming enthusiast having problems


if anyone has the heart please either respond rsvp or call

240-426-5412 and ask for albert. Thanks



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If you have all HDD's connected, just connect the HDD you will place your OS or change the HDD setup in bios to where your OS HDD is the 1st in the order of all your HDD's. This is not the boot sequence, but the actual sequence the HDD's show in the system. Once that has been done, then set your boot device priority. I have mine set to HDD then CD/DVD-ROM.

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My boot order HDD first

and everythign else is disabled and the other 2 120gb harddrives are not even plugged in.

only my 36gig raptor.


dvd burner is unplugged

floppy is unplugged

2x120gb is unplugged


I am still getting the same problem

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If you don't have a floppy in the fdd then quit screwing around and do another install. If that don't work then come back. I bet you coulda installed 4 times trying to work this out. From what you've done and your setup you shouldn't be having this problem. Ianstaal with just your dvd and hdd on. No usb devices should be hooked up.

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yeah i am having some serious issues with this myself, i get the same thing, i have 2 hitachis in raid 0, when i booted initially it wanted to install windows again..then i removed the cd from the burner


when i press escape to enter boot order it lists my raid and another hd, that has nothing on it, so i disabled the floppy and the empty hd...does the NF4 have issues with installing an OS on Raid0? So now i have just the Raid listed under boot devices, as well as in the BIOS boot order, and i still get this message, i had windows installed last night and running, turned it off and now this.......again, i have installed about 15 instances (not an exaggeration) of WinXp on this thing, I tried doing a Nlite unattended version several times, and now about 4 regular installs....every time it's something new...hal.dll is corrupted, boot disk failure..it's a new CD...

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