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Huge XF-I problem, causing PC to NOT boot!

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I got my XF-I yesterday, installed everything, and all was great yesterday. I must have rebooted the PC 25-30 times yesterday with no issues. Tonight, I go to boot my PC and now I get this error NTFS.sys caused a page fault etc......... and it also says creative something or other. I remove the card, and all is well. I've been reading on creatives web forum that ALOT of NF4 users are having this issue, but I bought this card in hope all would be ok. After 10 or so reboots im now in windows, all all seems ok, but I know on my next reboot it will BSOD on me with some error. What is the fix for this? is there one? I would have to send my card the creative, and have down time. Im using BIOS 704-2bta if it matters... Thanks

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when you remove the card and everything is ok 1 bad card or 2 not enough power.


No the card is good. Worked fine all day and yesterday, and my PSU is a PCP&C 510SLi, and it is in perfect shape. This issue only started AFTER I changed the PCI slot the sound card was in to the slot below it. It is now in the lowest PCI slot on the board, and the PC wont boot now for some reason.

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my next guess would be you are having a cold boot issue.98% of the time bsod are hardware related.that is alot of hardware for a 510.is it duel 12volt rail? see if you can disconnect something that you can do without just for a test with the card installed.

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my next guess would be you are having a cold boot issue.98% of the time bsod are hardware related.that is alot of hardware for a 510.is it duel 12volt rail? see if you can disconnect something that you can do without just for a test with the card installed.

What are you talking about dual 12v rail? A 510SLi PCP&C PSU has 1 34v 12v rail.

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Some X-Fi sound cards aren't compatible with nForce4 chipsets, plain and simple. Creative is giving support to users with these problems by taking the sound cards and changing the epromm in them; it has something to do with the 2mb these have. The new ones should have this fixed, hopefully.


Also not all the X-Fi sound cards have this incompatibility, for example the X-Fi Fatal1ty I haven't read anyone complain about problems with that one. All X-Fi models have diferent hardware, first time in a Creative sound card since previous Audigy models were identical except with the gadgets each card had.

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Have you tried running Memtest by any chance? I would just to double check that your ram isn't going out and the reboots are just a coincidence to you installing the new sound card. The Ballistix have failed for many of us so far as I am on my 4th or 5th set now (forgot count). I would double check just to be safe before trying to track down a possible phantom problem. I could be wrong though, but memtest is an easy thing to check. When my ram failed I would get failed attempts to boot into windows and various other blue screens as well. Specially since one of yours was a NTFS error.


Good Luck!!



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Good points from sunnyeagle and Vigilante...


... also I remembered how this X-Fi sound cards must have higher power needs than previous Creative sound cards. Expect something like 36 or more watts, even more if the card has a front panel. If your system was on the limits before installing this sound card then perhaps you are already exceeding them.


Good luck

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I've got an X-Fi Music - I'd been terrified after reading about all the problems but I went for it anyway when I managed to get it for like $75 after rebates and a coupon from Circuit City. Couldn't be happier and no problems so far after about 3-4 weeks. BF2 sounds awesome with it. :)

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BF2 sounds awesome with it. :)

awww :sad:


Well I really wold like one of these... I am perfectly happy now with BF2 and 7.1 speakers, between these and stereo (Klipsch from my other system) the diference is huge: nearly 4x kills, half deaths :tooth:


I believe there are sounds I am not hearing right now with my Audigy 2ZS in BF2... :(

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