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Win XP 64 Bits

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It is an important difference betwen the performance in XP64bits with A64 vs XP32bits?


A dude told me that i should use 32bits win XP, cause 64bits is less stable and problematic with some programs, and the difference is not a great deal... :confused:

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From what I have read, x64 Widoze has come a long way with regards to stability. The problem seems to lie in that the availability of drivers and software for x64 is not too prolific. Most games still dont support x64, although the numbers are increasing.


So I guess it depends on what you want to do on your os... ;)

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First of all, stability has never been a problem in x64. I've been running it since it was first realeased to retail (if you can really call it that), or maybe I should say since it has been available to buy and have had ZERO OS stability problems. It is built on the Server 2003 kernel which is solid as a rock. It has come a long way as far as peripheral driver support. Games do not have to specifically support the OS to run under it. It uses 32-bit emulation for 32-bit software. There are very few recent titles that absolutely will not run and these is mostly due to the copy protection used not being compatible with the OS. Otherwise there are workarounds easily found. I say try it out first, there is a free trial available from Microsoft. Then, if you like it, buy it.

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