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home network dont work


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why i have problems with home network (mshome). when i am fresh with new install of windows is everything fine but after cca. 14days usage is always problem. sometimes is better if i da "another" home network like mshome1 and it is fine for another few days. but this time is can not to fix. so please help me


i am using 4port switch and 4 computers in with adsl sharing. i would like to share files from those computers. no printers or anything else....just files


look for more info




should i set other IP or what ???


P.S. SRY i didnt read rules


EDIT: internet do without problems all the time

and if i ping other IPs in home network is <1ms so it is fine with this only windows file sharing is problem


2nd EDIT: this problem happen one day to all computers in network not only mine


3rd EDIT: i have all updates from windowsupdate.com

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all are at mshome

like i said it work rof acc. 14 days after format C: and new install of windows but one day (not matther what i do it stop working)


someone suggested me to enable NETBios over TCP/IP

becouse i have default: Use Netbios setting from the DHCP server if the static IP address is used or the DHCP server does not provide NetBIOS setting, enable NetBios over TCP/IP.


anyone know where to enable this?


EDIT: switch is internet sharing too!!!!

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