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Lan Party UT NF4 Ultra-D over MSI NEO4 Plat?


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I am having a hard time deciding which mobo to go with. It appears the MSI has a decent chance of having mobo specific failures within the first month or two, which is why I am starting to lean heavily toward the DFI. I am looking at overclocking a Opteron 165 or 170. The only drawback I have heard about the DFI board is that it is picky about RAM and power supplies? Is this true? I was going to go with a stock 550 Watt PS that came with the case and some Patriot RAM. I've also been out of the OC scene for over two years, so don't know how "hard" this board would be for me to learn. Also I've read that some boards wont support 4xDouble Density RAM at DDR400? Thanks in advance for helping me find the facts and feel free to post any other advantages this board has.

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I dought that you will find meny poeple here not useing a dfi board. I think that for a more devierse answer to your question would be to join a forum dedicated to all motherboards like xstremesystems or extreme overclocking fourms. Asking that question here will probly get like 90% dfi


I think that you should buy a dfi motherboard. You WILL need to scrap that pos psu you have and get a real psu not a toy. You can get great psu for 70-100$. You will always want good ram too.

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read the recoomended psu sticky and make sure that psu has native 24pin + 4 power leads, and has enough amperage on the 12v rail.

from what ive read here no prollems with patriot ram, the better stuff does well actually, i forget wheather they make their good ram with tccd or bh-5 but also from what ive read there may be prollems with value ram of any brand, i actually had trouble with one of the most recommended kits myself, but worked it out.


bottom line is the dfi is less likely to work as smoothly 'out of the box' but more likely to work better in the end, just be prepared for some tweaking at first, a day to get it running if youre really lucky/good, more likely days, but it takes weeks or months to really get to know it and how it behaves intimately and reach max overclock, learning curve and burn-in and all.


my analogy is using your DFI is like playing a video game with more hours of play time, prolly an rpg, prolly an mmorpg actually.

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I had msi nf4 board wich had to send back cause parts were falling apart and got the dfi nf4 ultra-d instead with no regrets so far,apart for my corsair memory,.if you do check to make sure your memory is ok with dfi boards,oh I allso have the abit an8 3rd eye and prefer using this dfi board.

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