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Setting up my new system

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I will be receiving my AMD Athlon 3200+ Venice and another GB or OCZ Gold Edition (2x512) memory. I understand all of the directions that Angry_Games has made for setting up the system with the Ultra-D Mobo, and I will follow them, except I will set it up inside my case. I was wondering, though, If I will have 2GB of memory, will I have to change any of the settings for it when setting up my system, because I want to run it on Stock/Default settings for the time being. Also, because I am not yet going to OC my CPU, will I encounter any problems where I have to change any settings in the BIOS? Also, will I have to run Memtest or any other programs? I understand that people who OC have to to make sure their system is stable, but mine should be if I don't OC right?


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If you are just going to run stock speeds then you can just go with the optimized defaults. I've now built 4 systems based on this MB series and everything has always run just fine out of the box.


Yes, run Memtest before you do anything else.

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Here's a link with RGone's initial settings. I used these to do the initial MemTest, superPi, and Prime95 tests to prove the system. First with 1 stick and then with both. Worked like a charm.


Actually the first link is to a thread I used along w/ the sticky on this forum (Angry's "initial build w/ pics")







have fun!

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