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Problem with boot.

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Ok. I have Lan party nf4 ultra-d. My problem is this motherboard never on this specyfiction never start. When i press start. Fans dont start. Only i standby diod is on . Problem is all hardwere is OK. CPU, Ram, grafic and PSU is tested on Gigabyte Trinton and start. When i took motherboard to service they boot up this( on diffrents ram and PSU CPU is the same). But in home motherboard boot up few times. When i think is OK. I wnet to relax and beck 4 hours. Then motherboard dosent start. Only diod stand by is on. What i have to do? All is ok. CPU, RAM, grafic. Only PSU i dont check well. On diffrents motherboards like nf-rz gigabyte or asrock via400+ PSU work well.



IS my first post if i make some misteks plizz tell me. I have no bios in signature cause i never seen my bios :mad: .

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Take some time to read the treads about recommended PSU. 360w is way to low and you might not be able to boot. Does it really meet the requirements for connectors? A Gigabyte Trinton isn't close to the same as your DFI mobo.


Sorry, but you ought to do something about your PSU before you even continue to set it up!

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