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USB Mouse Question

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I have had my DFI rig for awhile and have just been "putting up" with the fact that eveytime I shut down my computer I lose my mouse. I have to keep reinserting the USB connector until the mouse is finally connected.


Last night I finally gave up and just went back to my old rollerball PS2 mouse. Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

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I had a problem where I'd have a USB keyboard plugged in, and a Logitech MX1000 as well. I enabled Keyboard support in Bios, but i wouldn't be able to use it. I then can get it to work by flashing my bios oddly enough and clearing my cmos by popping the battery and such and letting it sit for a few. I would also clear it by turning the power on and off by PSU with the cmos jumper in clear. Hopefully you can do the same and get the same results. If it's having a problem being detected IN windows, try uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers for that. I had a few driver conflicts between the mouse and keyboard.

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