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My monitor turns off when booting from Win XP SP2 Install disc..

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Hey Guys I need some help. I tried searching previous threads for an answer but nothing really helps me out. This is only thread I found that sort of relates to my situation:




Here is the story. I've recently put together a new computer (my first time). But for some reason, when I try to install a fresh copy of Windows XP SP2 on my new SATA HDD at boot up , it will confrim with me to boot from the cd drive. Then, it says it is inspecting my hardware but after 2 seconds, either my monitor turns off or my computer turns off. Frequently, the monitor is the only one that turns off, displaying "CABLE NOT CONNECTED;" but then I hear my cd-drive stop and begins reading the disc again while everything, except my monitors, stays on. I dont understand why this is happening. I also tried installing Windows XP on my old hard drive but I get the same problem... Why does my monitor turn off everytime I try to install Windows XP at boot up? I dont know if its my motherboard, my graphics card, my new harddrive, or something else. Can anyone help me out on this?

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If your trying to install it with all that is in your sig.. dont, skandal is right, try the bare essentails 1 HDD,1 CD rom, Mobo, G/card and memory. no fancy lights or fans either, apart from the obvious CPU fan. and it still may not work as I got past the install ok and even installed some games but the second i tried to play them , Blue screen and reboot.

and I had a 500w PSU. You got the "CABLE NOT CONNECTED;" warning because your G/card wasnt getting what it needed and assumed there wasnt any power connected.

need to radio the engine room "Damn it Scotty I need more power".

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Recently, I disconnected my old HHD and the DVD/CD-RW drive, and just left it with a simple cd-rom, my SATA HDD. Graphics Card, and my Sound card and still I had the same problem... At one time, I removed even one sitck of 512mb memory and it resulted with my computer shutting down rather than the monitor. Do you think it is still power related???

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I ordered a new PSU nearly 2 days go. I thought it might have been a power issue too and you guys convinced me more that it might just be that. My package is arriving today so I'll be able to t`est this out. If anyone is wondering, I ordered a COOLERMASTER 450W RS-450-ACL. I didnt know what to order at the time but today I'll know if its a good choice or a bad choice for a PSU.

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like watching three monkys in a tree simply unbelivealbe :rolleyes: The blind leading the blind. carry larry and moe :nod:


"Monkeys", "unbelievable", "Curly , Larry and Moe" A good education is a great start when critisizing others.

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well guys it isnt the PSU.... its running on 450w now and I am still having the same problem... I used the WIN XP SP2 Install disc on another computer... so it cant be the disc... what else can it be?

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My recommendation.

Remove everything that is not essential to the Windows installation. You should have the board, CPU, 1 stick of memory in the slot closest to the CPU, Heatsink of course. Video card, The new sata on one of the Sata ports by the AGP slot, and either of your CD drives. Nothing else hooked up. You can install the devices one at a time after windows is installed.

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