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USB problems

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I am having similar USB 2.0 problems with my older DFI board... however, I think it's a driver issue with Windows XP SP2. I didn't have the problem in older versions of Windows XP.


Here is my thread on the issue... no solutions yet...


I'm thinking about just rebuilding with an ASUS board... as I need my front USB 2.0 ports to work properly.

If it was a driver problem. We all would be having the problem but I myself dont use a front pannel usb so that couls very well be why some have a problem and some dont :confused: So for the people that are folloing this tread how many of you are useing the front pannel usb ports ?

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Well i can buy a new one since this one was bought from a friend of mine....... but i will have to pay an extra 40$..... it it worth it?? or i can stay with this like i have it now.... i don't mind of put an PCi to USB converter... since i already got one...... but will this USB problem extend to another parts?

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Ok this maybe a simple suggestion so dont jump on me from a great height.

I really never use the front USB ports that come on my cases I have found them to be poorly made or poorly placed. So what I normally do is take the USB ports of the PCI slot cover that come with the Mobo and then take the plastic cover from the second optional floppy bay on most cases and cut 2 squares out of it, its a little tricky but a hot screw driver and a small File is usually enough then I connect the USB extension meant for the PCI slot cover to it then pop it back in and then I have 2 USB ports under my floppy. as its only your front ports that are the problem it might as someone said be the cabling. you dont need to cut anything to try this just unplug your front case Ports and plug in the ports meant for the PCI slot and check them to see if they give proper speeds.


for dbAmp

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Yeah I know you already said bro. dbAmp had problems with only his front USB on his case so I just told him a Mod that I usually do with my cases cause the front USB ports are always to close together for my liking. But it seems like your USB ports and/or controller are faulty. and in answer to one of your previous questions, I dont think it would bother anything else if you added your own PCI / USB card. Good luck anyway, we all tried

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