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I have read other posts but still do not understand this raid stuff. I have an option for the raid on my board. Chaintech 7NJS Zenith Ultra. I have not bought the Hardrives yet. So I would appreciate some suggestions. And in PLAIN terms how to get them to work.



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1 - Connect Hard Drives to MOBO RAID Controller

2 - Boot system

3 - During boot, press the key it tells you to press (on screen) to enter the RAID BIOS

4 - Create a drive array (it should tell you what to do on screen)

5 - Once arrays are created, boot to windows and install the RAID driver

5a - If installing windows on the RAID drive press F6 as soon as setup starts (you'll see a message that tells you to press F^ to install RAID drivers)


and if all else fails, read the manual.

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