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Tools for the build, Demagnetized?

Guest st_clancy_merged

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Guest st_clancy

I was reading around and on some website somone mentioned they used magnetic screwdrivers when building the case(mounting). I'm thinking this isn't a wise idea right? So to my question, I've looked around at walmart and such, (I live in a small hick town right now until I move back to Houston) so we don't have much there, I was wondering. Where could I get a cheap set of nonmagnetic tools? At walmart they either say magnetic or don't say nething and I cant tell because some have "glazed" looking tips etc.. also I don't really have a good building location in my apt, would a kitchen table(made of glass) and using the bags and packaging the the mobo and other components suffice during install? I guess I could bring my comp downstairs that I'm on now to get rid of static, cause I get shocked alot in my apt, static is everywhere. I'm drawing a blank on my other questions, o yea... I was reading Sunday and came across a thread that I cant find, I've tried searching several times with no luck. It was one that was a step by step guide for building but it wasn't the stickie with the pictures, it was some guy who posted what he "was" going to do and then somone, might have even been sharp, but cant remeber, edited his post in bold and gave some tips of what he would do with those steps, GREAT guide for me to print out if anyone can lead me to that thread much appretiated.

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You need a really, really strong magnet to mess with a hard drive. Much stronger than a magnetic screwdriver. The magnetic screwdriver will be very helpful in picking up loose screws and holding them in difficult positions until they bite in.

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Guest st_clancy



o yea... I was reading Sunday and came across a thread that I cant find, I've tried searching several times with no luck. It was one that was a step by step guide for building but it wasn't the stickie with the pictures, it was some guy who posted what he "was" going to do and then somone, might have even been sharp, but cant remeber, edited his post in bold and gave some tips of what he would do with those steps, GREAT guide for me to print out if anyone can lead me to that thread much appretiated.


anyone see this as familiar?

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I bought one of these (hasn't come yet), dunno how much I'll use it for my system, but it'll come in handy for my school projects:




yes, I had a kit like this from my first year in college, but ill have to buy a new one now, since the one I got in college, I sold for beer :drool:

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