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I don't know what happened Last night every thing was cool.


Tonight I came home and my comp would not boot and it was only reading one of the CPU's nothing I tryed worked I let it sit and it finally it booted into windows. my monitor settings were all . up and while i could still read temp and cpu speed on the second CPU it was not functioning. I reset and restarted and same problem. I removed the second CPU to examine it for damage and it is unmarred to the naked eye. the cpu was a new 1800+ MP with th 3 year warranty. I want to explore other option before i RMA it.


1. What else could cause this problem? would a windows update screw with my dual CPUs? i recently did several updates.


i am totally at a loss.




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there wasn't any scorching or anything visibly wrong with the chip... I guess i wil have to RMA it. Unless there i somewhere i can get the chip tested. do any shops do that?



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