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Funky RAM Issue

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Ok, so my system was running perfectly fine for a few months.......and BAM. I started getting BSODs EVERY single day. Wrote down the memory address & info and found out it was a RAM problem.


Okay then...


Ran memtest from the BIOS with my 4 sticks....got an error.

Then I ran each stick alone....got NO errors. Hmm.. interesting.

I reinstalled my remaining 3 sticks, ran memtest again with all 4 together and got no errors, and no more BSOD!


My system has been fine for 2 days now.


Can anyone possibly explain this other than angry DFI spirits? :D

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Firstly, why do you have 4 sticks of ram ?


Quality over quantity, sorry just had to get that out of the way, at least your not as bad as people with 4x 1 GB sticks such a waste of money.


When you did memtest how long did you let it go for ?


Usually when problems start happing a few days down the track it could be to do with the heat because a few passes of memtest isn’t going to give them enough time to heat up.


I set mine to loop test 5 for like an hour and then do a over night test, after which I check it again with prime95.

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Firstly, why do you have 4 sticks of ram ?


Maybe he did what I did. Built a rig with 1GB and realised he should have gotten 2GB. By that time you've got a bit of a dilema. Either try and sell the current 2x512 and get 2x1GB, or upgrade with 2 more 512 sticks.


I went with the latter, but I wish I had just bought the 2x1GB right from the start. Still, we live and learn. Anyhow, I think I read one of Angry's posts recommending 4x512MB for some users.

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Originally Posted by moforila
having bought 2x512mb manypps want 2 upgrade 2 2x1gb buying.

An extra 2x512mb is cheaper than getting 2x1GB & so as has already been said on this forum the addition of 1gb overcomes any performance hit in movimg from 1T 2 2T.

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Firstly, why do you have 4 sticks of ram?

Well, I've had these since like September of 04 when I had a PIV, and back then, I didn't think I was going to upgrade to an AMD. I can't even remember if the FXs were out back then. But yes, would I have known it would have been better to have 2x1gb as opposed to 4x512mb, I would have gotten them.


Quality over quantity, sorry just had to get that out of the way, at least your not as bad as people with 4x 1 GB sticks such a waste of money.
I agree there. 4gb IS a waste for a home puter. I decided on 2gb because of the simple fact that UT04 would hog up nearly ALL of my generic 1gb. I then upgraded to the Corsair 2gb. It's great being able to minimize the game when I have to for whatever reason :)


When you did memtest how long did you let it go for?

I first got the error message at the end of the first pass....like 40 minutes.

I ran it for 1 pass (about 20 minutes) when each stick was alone.

I ran it for 2 passes (Over an hour) when all 4 were together again.


Usually when problems start happing a few days down the track it could be to do with the heat because a few passes of memtest isn’t going to give them enough time to heat up.
I thought about that, but my BSOD always manifested itself while my system was idle for a few hours.


Maybe over time 1 of the modules had worked itself loose/ into a poor connection. Memory gets hot metal expanding & contracting. By reseating memory during your tests u may have sorted it.
I think I can live with that theory :)


the addition of 1gb overcomes any performance hit in movimg from 1T 2 2T.
And that's exactly why I haven't bothered to sell them for 2x1gb.


Besides, my system is "Comfy" as it is. I can run my 4 sticks at their rated speeds of PC4000 (250mhz). I've actually had them at 270mhz, but was a bit unstable on certain tests, and I haven't bothered to figure out the problem yet. I guess simply because having 4x512mb would probably be a pain to do so.

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i had the same problem unfortunately im having to run on 1gb (2x512 in slots 1&3).. as the other pair (on their own wont boot or if inserted into slots 2&4 hangs at the bios screen or just after post.


ive gone down the costly route and have just ordered 2x1gb OCZ EL series ram hopefully no more BSOD's!!

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With all this talk of ram size I just wanted to show you guys this rig.

It’s a 2005-10-24 3dmark05 world record with a score of 17510 !!!!


*DFI NF4 Ultra Mod to SLI* + Naked FX57 @ 15 x 256 -> 3849Mhz... *Inno3D 7800GTX* @ 714/1579Mhz... *GSKILL GH* UTT @ 256 cas 2.0, 2, 2, 2, 1T... Cooled by New Portable Cascade-> 2 Stage@CPU, 1 Stage@GPUs... Powered by SilverStone ST65ZF 650W... More Details + Video @ http://forums.vr-zone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=36415... Much Thanks to DFI + Inno3D!


This guys only using 2 sticks of 256, but yes I know it only 3dmark and some games are …. bla bla bla.

This is still a good example of how much ram we really need these days, so I think going for 2 sticks of 512 is going to be enough ram for any game atm or any time soon.


Also im sure that you could find some game recommendations by developers or game magazines saying that 2GB would be optimal, a comment like that would be accompanied by some vague statements like a 256 video card and a supper dupper ultra mega good 3.0 GHz intel cpu. :nod:

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