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Dual Channel does not work anymore

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Hey Angry Games or RGone,


Have you had a problem or issue with the Ultra-D not running in dual channel. My system ran fine up till just a month ago. My system will constantly reboot itself after about 5 minutes. When I take out a stick it runs fine. I tried every bios out there to see if it's a bio thing no. So, I took my system apart and let different peeps try out my ram, power supply and cpu. All worked fine,,,,,,actually it clocked better in my friend's system. He has the DFI nF4 SLI board. Do I need to rma this bad boy? I just want it running the way it used........nice and sweet. Now it's a half system running in single channel. Any help would be much appreciated. Peace.

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or overclocked it constantly reboots or bluescreens loading into windows. I need to update my sig. I have an Opty 170 CBBWE 0530.....sold the 4400. I want to know if this can be fixed with an rma? I have tried everything I could. I know that all my components are good. My friend got my opty to 3Ghz on 1.37v. But my board will not allow me to run dual channel. I have tried with a 3000 winchester, 3200 Venice and my Opteron 170. I will pm angry games to see if he can rma this board for me. Thanks for your help. Any other things I can try to get this back to dual channel?

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Are those g.skill TCCD? If so, loosen them to 2.5-4-4-8, and see what you get. Run one in the first orange slot on your board, furthest from the CPU. Hit it at 2.7v, and run memtest on it. Do it for both.


Flash to the 704-2BTA bios, not the regular BT. Report back.

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and the outcome is it went back to DFI as an RMA. Thanks for your help, but the board is definitely wacky and not happy. I loosened timings and even tried it at default settings. Default settings actually let me play CS:S for about 10 minutes and then the game crashed and then the system rebooted and continues on it's sudden reboots.

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that sounds exactly like the problem i'm having... exactly!


I sent an email to DFI requesting a replacement, I hope I don't have any trouble.


Please let us know the outcome of your RMA...





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