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CMOS Issues

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Recently I had some issues with an NF4 so I replaced it with some other motherboards and sent back 99% of the equipment that I had bought for this new computer I made. Everything was running fine except this stupid Fatal1ty board (which is too expensive for it's own good btw) wouldn't run RAM in dual channel.


I ended up buying a new NF4.


The Problem:

I installed everything was good so I put it in the case and ran the windows install to start everything fresh. Had some stop errors here and there about PFN_LIST_CORRUPT. I went ahead and updated the BIOS then to something more recent then initial bios it shipped with since that bios didn't support X2 and that is most likely why the bugginess.


Everything installed great but every time it reboots whether it is a soft reboot or a power down and disconnect power type boot it wouldn't come back on. The only way I can get it on is to clear the CMOS and then turn it back on. This leaves the bios at whatever default basic settings. If I go in and edit of course it has to reboot then I have to clear the CMOS. I have tried all the 623 versions and the 704 version as well. None of them fix the issue. Can't seem to figure it out.


System specs are in sig and I am posting from the PC right now so I know all the hardware can work I just have to clear the CMOS every time.


I am thinking an RMA might be in order but want to be for sure. This was supposed to be a one day build project not a month later of multiple returns.

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When you are clearing bios are you following the recommended procedure?

pull power

pull battery

reset jumpers to clear

wait 10 mins, hit power button on computer to get rid of cap charges

reset jumpers

put battery in

put power in

boot to bios and load optimized , save , exit.

boot to bios and set your rig up

NEVER use reloaded when you flash to a new bios

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Yeah doing that and when I do any changes once I reboot I get nowhere.


4th LED pulsates slowly like 4 times then stops then tries again then clears so only 3 LED's are lit. Never goes past that.


If I clear CMOS after that it is fine and then it comes up and says Checksum Error or some such hit F1 to continue and if I continue all is right in the world.

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Tossed the other stick in and ran the same tests and everything was fine.



You said that the PFN is usually a corrupt bios that sounds interesting considering the problems. Now that happened before I flashed with a new bios and I have flashed with 4 or 5 different bios'es since then so I would assume it isn't corrupt if that is the case. Can you think of any other reason for that?


I am really thinking it isn't a RAM issue but some kind of bios maybe even something I will need an RMA to fix.

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It seemed to me to be IRQ related but anyways it is a non issue since it went away when I updated the bios. Was pretty sure that the fresh install of Windows was erroring out because the BIOS wasn't using the X2 properly since it wasn't supported under that BIOS.


That issue is gone it is only the not saving settings and won't reboot unless I clear CMOS.


I might have to RMA but trying to figure it out before I go through that hassle.

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I've got the same problem :confused:


I sent a post at this forum (NF4 Ultra-D - G.Skill F1-3200BIU2-2GBHX, Help needed, please) and btw, I would like to thanks Supershanks for his fast reply. ;)


If you read my post you'll see that I've bought a G.Skill 2GBHX kit and I couldn't post at all (consecutive long BEEP)


Now I've flashed the BIOS with BIOS-704-2bt (the only one I didn't test before), clear CMOS and then I could post but I received an alert " CMOS Checksum error - Defaults Loaded, Press F1 to continue, DEL to enter Setup"


If I press F1 then I can load WindowsXP but when I make a restart the system hangs with some BEEPs, If I shut down then I need to clear CMOS... and so on...


An odd detail; When I load WindowsXP with the new memory the FSB is always 193mhz instead of 200mhz :confused:


If I press DEL, I can enter to BIOS but if i try to Save & Exit the system hangs again....




I think the problem may be the memory because I've not problem at all with my other memory (Geil Golden Dragon PC3700) or may be that when I press F1 to continue loading WindowsXP then a backup CMOS is done and perhaps this backup is corruted. Is this possible ? :rolleyes:


Sorry about my english & Good luck ;)

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Hi Edorta,

after clearing cmos did u boot to bios and load optimized defaults

then save and exit - this enables the DMI pool to be rebuilt.

After that u can boot into bios & enter your own settings.


Once u have made your changes save the current settings to each of the Cmos Reloaded banks.


Don't ever load any Cmos reloaded settings from an old bios this can cause corruption.


(if u have any more pointts please post them in your old thread so that we aren't guilty of stealing suineg's thread :) )



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