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Disabling APIC

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Now i've been testing out running with APIC disabled for the past couple of months just to see if i could see any benefit on my rig. After a couple of months i've finally decided it doesn't help me one bit and it causes me more problems than anything.


I'd been having a lot of weird issues, one major one being shut down problems. Every now and again it would just freeze during shutdown. Also i couldn't shutdown from the Welcome Screen. If i hit the button to Shutdown at the bottom of the screen it would bring the option up but i couldn't click on anything so i had to press CTRL, ALT, DEL to select the shutdown/restart option that way. Since re-enabling APIC all my problems have gone away...


Just wondering, has anyone else had weird issues from running APIC disabled?


From my experiences i'd have to say don't disable it unless you really need too to help with your CPU overclock, if you don't notice any benefits then leave it enabled.

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Must be something to do with your components maybe?


I know i'd seen it mentioned a lot that disabling it can help with your overclock so i thought i'd test it out just to see if it helped me. The answer is a resounding no, and it just caused unwanted problems.


I could understand how it could help some who might be having issues with their CPU Overclock with it enabled, but if you aren't having problems then disabling it is completely pointless imo. My system is definitely more stable with it enabled.

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The sw ide drives acted diffrently with apic enabled.

I dn which ver's or anything.


Other drivers can supposedly act diffrently with it disabled/enabled as well so I've read.


Using apic totally limits my fsb though, my cpu can't doit.

Apic is on the cpu btw, if there's a prob, it's the cpu.


Speed will decrease from disabling apic, but it's worth it for the fsb if you need to disable it.


We're supposed to have it on really, it's standered :.

But ohwell lol, works fine here without it ;).

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Yeah thats what i'm sayin. If disabling it works better for you then do it, if it doesn't then don't.

If it did help me with my overclock then i'd leave it disabled because the problems disabling it did cause me weren't exactly major and i could put up with them if having it disabled helped with my overclock, but with me not seeing any benefits from running with it disabled i didn't see the point.


So i suppose the moral of this story is if you think it might help then try it, if you find it doesn't then just leave it enabled. Don't disable it just for the sake of it.


Sounds like your CPU has issues running at such a high FSB Neo, and it doesn't really suprise me at that speed! :D


So how do the SW IDE drivers act differently with it enabled?

I don't actually bother with the Nvidia SW IDE Drivers myself really because i only have Sata HardDrives.

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I can't be sure what it was that was diffrent about them.

It was a while ago, and I'm defently not up for another install of windows hehehe, did that like 4 or 5 times this weekend :).


I'm sure it was speed, faster then what just mem bandwith could account for.

Or maybe it was something to do with my dvdrw.

This benq can be crossflashed to alot of diffrent drives, some make diff ver's of the sw ide drivers puke.


For example say I take what I got in my sig, without apic, it runs with sw ide.

Say I enabled apic, setup a new windows and all with the same divers etc, but it does'nt work.

I dn, maybe this was an issue, just stating a possible since I can't remmeber :).


I'm pretty sure it was a bit faster then avg with apic enabled, probably the non burst scores.

I dn :).



You can look some stuff up on google though, I dn exactly what phrases but somewhere out there it'll tell you that some drivers expect apic in place, and may act up if it's not there.


Anyways that was the last time I used it, when I was just messing around to see if I could enable it again.

The speed decrease overall is defently there with it disabled.

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Stuff you guys allready know: Advanced programmable interrupt controller. This setting enabled allows window's xp and 2000 to utilize more irq addresses 0-22? If it's turned off you get 0-15 which is all I seem to be using right now anyway. (I've disabled some stuff)

The living room computer show's IRQ's 0-21 in use. I've been playing with that for the past year maybe a little longer. Mostly I get the same result's as Steelballs with xp or 2000.(No boot) With my Infinity or the Asus. I think the Chaintech has booted. After installing xp apic on then turn off though.(Not sure it might have been running 98 also) When playing with it last time I did a clean install of xp on my infinity. It netted me no more mhz's off than it did on as best as I could tell.

(Other's have had better results though) When installing 98se with apic on someone said it automatically turns off. But I'm not sure I think 98 simply installs to the irq's it can.

But when turning off under 98se it seem things get messed up abit also at least to my experience on those occassions. I can't seem to remember exactly what it was other than an annoyance. I turned it back on and the problem went away.(that was the Ashush board mostly I played with that on xp and 98se the CT also not as much though w/the ct) Anymore when I want to play with that setting I just automatically do a clean install. Hummm.......using only irq's 0-15 I'd better check that. BRB gotta' reboot."Clay"

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Shin you know this like the rest of us man :) test and try, Apic off i first came across on IWill mobo as those mobo had probs running it on.

Then on Abut NF7 it was the same well not quite but you got a better OC and it fixed some probs.

For me on Sista i had mixed results, depending on which remix nforce drivers i used, end of day i found that running it off impaired my benches so i dumped it and used ON and it does what it does for me.....

Its i guess user discrestion if you use or not, that and plenty of testing.

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hey shinobi

if i disable apic my rig wont boot at all....


i dont know why....




Mine too.... I think when ya' turn apic off w/o a clean install win-deer's is lookin' for stuff that isn't there anymore. Or has been moved to where it's not lookin'. Sometime's it will I think. But not for me mostly. Yup lotsa' testin'...

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i run with APIC on all the time, all the problems i used to have seem to have vanashed with it on, and the SW drivers work now which means i can use DMA on my sony burner :D.

dosnt seem to impair my OC, i made my toasty with it on and recently ive been running 230x11 stable for about 5 days without turning it off, time for a prime test :D.

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