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clockgen question

Guest juice_merged

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1.4v x 110 should do. If temps are ok you can have a look a bit higher but 1.54v should be enough i think.


If you mean settings for 3Dmark (the prog) just run default, you can stop test after 3rd game test by hitting ESC if you like, no need to run the cpu tests to get a diff score. More or less mhz (up to 200) does almost nothing for me in 3D05, no real need for them in this one (at least with me card). Bigger difference in 3D2001 for sure, i like it.

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Not sure if Loco directly answered the question about memory speed vs. CPU MHZ, but you want to go for CPU MHZ on the A64 over anything else.


i found that i was able to get the cpu up to like 320 at a lower multiplier... would it make sense to drop my multiplier lower to try for a higher fsb? then run the ram at a divider? so like 320x8 vs 280x9? or 250x10?

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You want the highest CPU Mhz you can get with an A64. For example, With my 3200 Vennie I can clock my ram to about 270 FSB, but my CPU is not stable at 270 * 10. So I would try running at 270 * 9 to maintain the max on my ram. However that is only 2.43ghz. Now if I run at 260 *10 I loose 20 mhz on the FSB, but I gain 170mhz of CPU speed.


For overall peformance the 260 *10 will blow the 270 * 9 out of the water.


Regardless of the numbers, the point is that when OCing an A64 chip you always want the highest CPU MHZ as possible. So even if your RAM can do 305mhz, if you can't run stable at 300 * 10, but you can run 290 * 10 you should go for the mhz vs. say 305*9.


That is the general rule anyways. I only brought it up because you guys seemed to be flirting with it a little bit and I thought it was worth throwing out there. It sounds like you are on the right track though.

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