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Bios update to 6/23 and boot problem

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Ok, I decided to do a BIOS update on my UT SLI-DR. I dont have a floppy, so I used the winflash utility and flashed it that was with windows booted up. So, I restarted, and it booted up fine, but when it got to where it was going to read from the hard drive, screen went black(but didnt turn screen off) and stayed that way, like it was searching for the HD. So I went back into the BIOS, set the first boot to cd-rom, which is what I always do, set second boot to hard disk, and third network. Still the same. Am I doing something wrong here, is there some setting I missed or something, what does this delay/freeze mean?

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Guest thespin

Use the reset jumper to reset cmos (10 minutes) - something you should do after every bios update. Then go into bios setup and select ' load optimized defaults'. Save this setting in your 4 cmos banks. You can then make any bios changes you had prior to the current flash. Save and exit.

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Are you using a stamped XP SP2 cd for the install?


did it, it works, now, i have another problem. I can boot to hard disk. Now I am trying to reformat, and it freezes and "Installing Devices" at 34% everytime, what could be causing this?

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