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Are My Fans Setup Well?


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I was bored, so I just created a diagram of the way my fans are setup. I have intake fans on both windows of my case (one above and one on the side). And I have an exhaust ran right below the exhaust fan on the power supply. I also have a fan that intakes air right below the video card. Currently, my cpu temps are anywhere between 35 at night when it is cold and 50 degrees on a hot summer day. And my motherboard temps are anywhere between 30 and 42. Keep in mind my computer is always under full load due to Folding@home. Anyway, can you take a look at this setup and tell me if I should be doing anything different? I have already done alot to keep it cool. I have lapped the heatsink, I have rounded cables, and I keep as much as possible out of the way of airflow. Also, I am already using arctic silver 3 thermal paste.




Computer Specs:


Amd athlon xp 2000+

Soyo kt333 mobo

WD 100 gb hard drive

2x128mb sticks of pc2100 memory

Thermaltake volcano 9 cooler <-- (should I replace this?)

geforce 4 mx 440 <-- (I'm currently trying to find a good price on a Sapphire 9500, if I am lucky I may be able to soft-mod it)

Edited by ravix

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Wow you musta had alot of time on your hands lol you didnt really need to draw in where your stuff is located every computer i have seen in my life has video cpu and mem sticks in the same place :) but i have side and front intake back and top exhaust.

Just ordered up some Artic 3 ceramique or whatevers. costs me 12$ to ship it HERE! <_<


aNd what is with your Psu fan lol its blowing into your computer ? thats messed it should be blowing out the back.

My cpu temps are 62 under high load but shows you how much i really care about my 1.8 p4 yea........ i have a back up if it "stops functioning". Your temps are good so you shouldnt worry.

Edited by Newb_ocer

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:blink: Where did you get the impression my power supply fan was blowing in? My power supply has two fans (like most) that lead in a path to the outside. Also, I am not satisfied with my temps, because I am looking to overclock my chip soon. I think I will move some fans around according to what you guys have said.


Oh, and yes.. I do have lotsa time on my hands.

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OH i seeeee *smacks his head* its not my fault its 2 am and i shouldnt be typing past 1am :).


I really dont know i musta opened the topic and started typing in while dreaming at the same time? Thats how i musta thought that up now that i notice there is a fan at the back of the psu. i was thinking wow that mentally retarded.

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