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mixing ram?

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Hi all.. i have a nf4 ultra-d mobo.... and atm im using some corsair platinum PC3200 XLPT 2x512 twined sticks...... but i have a spare set of that winbond speed premium UTT 2 x 512 stuff thats meant to hit great speeds.... ive not used it as of yet though....


would it be ok to use all 4 sticks? and if so what bios would i be better off using? thnx..

im using 310 bios atm..

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I would update your bios to the latest if you haven't. It's not a good idea to run mixed ram. It will only run as fast as the slowest ram. It's also not a good idea to run 4x sticks of ram. It will only run at 2t timings. All that said, if you want to try it you will need latest bios to support yellow slots better and you will need to *disable* cpc in the bios. Here is a link to correctly flash your bios; http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21248

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