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X2 3800+ Poor OC Results


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I read quite a bit about these chips before I bought one and it said pretty much everyone is getting 2.5 or higher. I'm running at 2.5 right now, but when I run Prime95 on both cores one of them will go for 45 minutes and the other will go for 11 hours.


I have OCZ 2x1GB Value Ram... I don't mind running with a divider.

and an Ultra-D board. Can anyone recommend what settings I should use and if I should change my bios? Just any suggestions to get a good OC. I'll be happy with 2.6.

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Well, first I was gonna comment on your RAM-but that shouldn't be much of any issue if you don't mind putting it on a divider...(maybe)


Try the 704 beta bios, it's listed in a sticky somewhere around, you'll find it :) Can fix a lot of problems.


What voltage do you have the CPU set to? Might want to bump it up a tad. Otherwise you might just have a bum core, seems like everybody does. I've heard removing the IHS and applying some new thermal paste can help that out, but I have yet to try it.

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I tried CPU Voltage at 4.5 and 4.75 but neither would let it prime. I actually already removed the pad and used thermal paste when I first installed it. I'll give that bios a try. I hope it's not a bad core. I had my old winnie running faster than this.

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